Uninstalling on Linux

You can uninstall App Connect for Manufacturing on Linux® or UNIX by using the uninstall script.

Before you begin

If you do not want to keep your integration nodes, delete the integration nodes before you uninstall App Connect for Manufacturing. See Deleting an integration node.


  1. Go to the folder where you extracted the installation media.

    For example, <DIST_DIR>.

  2. Run the following command:
    ./ACMfg_uninstall.sh <install_dir>
    Where, <install_dir> is the location where App Connect for Manufacturing is installed.
  3. Optional: To uninstall silently, run the following command:
    ./ACMfg_uninstall.sh <install_dir> silently
    Where, <install_dir> is the location where App Connect for Manufacturing is installed.
  4. Delete the directory where you extracted the App Connect for Manufacturing installation media.

    For example, <DIST_DIR>