Deleting an integration node

Delete an integration node by either using the command line on the system where IBM® App Connect Enterprise is installed, or use the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.

Before you begin

Check that your user ID has the correct authorizations to delete the integration node; for details, see Security requirements for administrative tasks.

On Windows, Linux®, and UNIX systems, you must set up your command-line environment before you delete an integration node, by running the product profile or console; see Setting up a command environment.

About this task

On Windows, Linux, and UNIX systems, you can delete an integration node by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit.

You cannot delete a remote integration node by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, but you can remove the connection to the remote integration node from your workspace. To remove the connection to a remote integration node in the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, right-click the integration node in the Integration Explorer view, and click Remove Connection.

You can delete an integration node in the following ways:

Deleting an integration node by using the command line


  1. Stop the integration node by using the mqsistop command.
  2. Delete the integration node by doing one of the following, dependent on your operating system:
    • Linux platformWindows platformUNIX platformEnter the following command to delete the integration node:
      mqsideletebroker INODE 

      where INODE is the integration node name.

  3. If you created integration server profiles for this integration node, delete these profiles if they are no longer required.
  4. Any empty integration server shared-classes directories (under workpath/config/<my_int_node_name>/<my_int_server_label>) are automatically deleted. Otherwise, if no longer required, it is left to the user to manually delete the directories and contents.
  5. If the integration node level shared-classes directory (under workpath/config/<my_int_node_name>) is empty, it is automatically deleted. Otherwise, if no longer required, it is left to the user to manually delete the directory and contents.


On completion of this task:
  • Linux platformUNIX platformOn Linux, and UNIX, the integration node definition is removed.
  • Windows platformStopped and deleted the Windows service that runs the integration node.
  • Removed any integration server profile scripts that are no longer needed.
  • Removed any empty integration server shared-classes directories.
  • Removed any empty integration node shared-classes directory.

Deleting an integration node by using the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit


  1. Open the IBM App Connect Enterprise Toolkit, and switch to the Integration Development perspective.
  2. In the Integration Explorer view, right-click the integration node, and click Delete.
    If the integration node is a remote integration node, the connection to the integration node is removed from your workspace.

    If the integration node is a local integration node, the Delete Local Broker wizard is displayed.

  3. Click Finish to delete the integration node.
    If the integration node is running, the wizard stops the integration node.


You have deleted the integration node.