mqsireportresourcestats command

Use the mqsireportresourcestats command to display current statistics gathering options for resources in the integration server.


This command returns the following responses:
The command completed successfully.
(Failure) The integration node received the deployment request but was unable to process it successfully. For more information, see the messages that are issued from the utility or from the Administration log.
(Failure) The request was submitted to the integration node, but no response was received before the timeout expired.
(Failure) Another user or application canceled the request operation before the integration node was able to process it.
The integration node is not running.
One or more of the parameters that you specified are invalid.

If the command completes successfully, one report message per resource type is returned for each integration server specified by the command. Each message has the general format:

BIP8941I Statistics collection for resource type type in integration server integration_server_name is state.


  • type is the resource type. For more information about the resource types for which statistics can be requested, see Resource statistics.
  • state can be active or inactive