Running IBM App Connect Enterprise commands on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using JCL

Run IBM® App Connect Enterprise commands (with the naming convention mqsi*) on IBM z/OS® Container Extensions (zCX) by using the JCL job, BIPXISCM.

About this task

You can run IBM App Connect Enterprise commands (with the naming convention mqsi*) on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using JCL. The IBM App Connect Enterprise command names are case-sensitive. The commands mqsiAssemblyInstall, mqsicommandconsole, mqsicredentials, and mqsivault are not supported on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX).


  1. Set the environment variables in ENVFILE, as described in Environment variables in STDENV and BIPENVS. For more information about access options, see Configuring access to Integration Servers running in IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX).
  2. Customize the JCL job BIPXISCM as advised in the job comments. For more information, see Customizing the JCL.
    For more information about the commands that are available on IBM App Connect Enterprise, see Runtime commands.

Some commands require parameters to specify the work directory of an independent integration server. For example, mqsiwebuseradmin command - Windows, Linux, and AIX systems requires you to specify -w workDir, or --working-directory workDir, depending on whether you decide to use the short names or the alternative long names for the parameters. For these commands, you must specify /home/aceuser/ace-server for workDir.

Some commands require parameters to specify the hostname or IP address of the computer on which the integration server is running, and the port on which the web user interface HTTP connection listener is listening. For example, mqsistartmsgflow command requires you to specify -i ipAddress, or --admin-host ipAddress, and -p port, or --admin-port port, depending on whether you decide to use the short names or the alternative long names for the parameters. For these commands, you must specify for ipAddress. For -p or --admin-port, you must specify the value that you set for REST_PORT in your environment file ENVFILE.

Some commands, for example mqsideploy, require one or more input files to first be made available on the docker container that runs the integration server. If the files are not available on the integration server docker container, you must use the BIPXPUT sample JCL to transfer them.

Some commands produce output. You can copy or move files from the integration server docker container by using the BIPXGET sample JCL.

BIPXPUT and BIPXGET always overwrite a file that is already there and always transfer in BINARY mode. IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) run in ASCII mode. You can convert a file from ASCII to EBCDIC in UNIX System Services by using iconv. For example:
iconv -f ISO8859-1 -t IBM-1047 props.txt > props.ebcdic.txt

  1. Optional: Customize the JCL job BIPXPUT as advised in the job comments. For more information, see Customizing the JCL.
  2. Optional: Customize the JCL job BIPXGET as advised in the job comments. For more information, see Customizing the JCL.
  3. Optional: Submit the JCL job BIPXPUT.
  4. Submit the job BIPXISCM.
  5. Optional: Submit the JCL job BIPXGET.


  1. If you submit the JCL job BIPXPUT, the job runs, and the input files are transferred.
  2. When you submit the JCL job BIPXISCM, the job runs. The output from the IBM App Connect Enterprise command is displayed in the job log.
  3. If you submit the JCL job BIPXGET, the job runs, and the output files are copied or moved.

What to do next

When you finish working with the IBM App Connect Enterprise commands, you can stop or delete the integration server. For more information, see Stopping an integration server on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using JCL and Deleting an integration server on IBM z/OS Container Extensions (zCX) by using JCL.