Control tables at the Q Apply server

The control tables at the Q Apply server contain Q Apply operating parameters, Q subscription definitions, performance statistics, and other metadata. These tables are built according to options that you specify in the replication administration tools.

Table 1 describes the control tables at the Q Apply server.

Table 1. Control tables at the Q Apply server
Table name Description
IBMQREP_APPLYENQ table Ensures that only one Q Apply program with a given schema is running per Q Apply server.
IBMQREP_APPENVINFO table Stores environment variables and other information that replication tools use to access remote programs.
IBMQREP_APPEVENTS table Records events that are generated by the Q Apply program to track its operations.
IBMQREP_APPEVTDEFS table Stores definitions for user-specified events that are generated by the Q Apply program.
IBMQREP_APPLYCMD table Used for sending commands to a running Q Apply program.
IBMQREP_APPLYCMDOUT table Records the output of commands that are sent to a running Q Apply program.
IBMQREP_APPLYMON table Contains statistics about the performance of a Q Apply program for each receive queue.
IBMQREP_APPLYMON table (native Oracle targets) Contains statistics about the performance of the Q Apply program for native Oracle targets.
IBMQREP_APPLYPARMS table Contains parameters that you can specify to control the operations of a Q Apply program.
IBMQREP_APPLYPARMS table (native Oracle targets) Contains parameters that you can specify to control the operations of a Q Apply program for native Oracle targets.
IBMQREP_APPLYTRACE table Contains informational, warning, and error messages from the Q Apply program.
IBMQREP_DELTOMB table An internal table used by the Q Apply program to record conflicting deletes in peer-to-peer replication.
IBMQREP_DONEMSG table An internal table used by the Q Apply program to record which messages were processed.
IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table Contains row changes that could not be applied because of conflicts, errors, or rollbacks.
IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table (native Oracle targets) Contains row changes that could not be applied to native Oracle targets because of conflicts, errors, or rollbacks.
IBMQREP_MCGMON table Provides a history of synchronization efforts within a multiple consistency group.
ASN.IBMQREP_MCGPARMS table Contains parameters that you can specify to control the operations of Q Apply programs that are processing a workload for a multiple consistency group.
ASN.IBMQREP_MCGSYNC table Used by Q Apply programs to control synchronization within a multiple consistency group.
IBMQREP_RECVQUEUES table Identifies queues that a Q Apply program uses to receive transaction messages and send control message, and contains some operation parameters for the Q Apply program.
IBMQREP_SAVERI table An internal table that the Q Apply program uses to store referential integrity constraints that are dropped while targets are being loaded.
IBMQREP_SPILLEDROW table An internal table that the Q Apply program uses to keep track of rows sent to a temporary spill queue.
IBMQREP_SPILLQS table Identifies temporary spill queues that will hold changes to source tables before they are applied to targets.
IBMQREP_TRG_COLS table Contains information about the mapping between source and target columns.
IBMQREP_TARGETS table Contains information about target tables or stored procedures and options for Q subscriptions.
IBMQREP_TARGETS table (native Oracle targets) Contains information about tables on native Oracle targets and options for Q subscriptions.