IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table (native Oracle targets)

The IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table contains Oracle error codes and other information for row changes that could not be applied at the Oracle target because of a conflict or SQL error.

Server: Oracle database

Default schema: ASN

Non-unique index: EXCEPTION_TIME

The size of this table depends on the number of conflicts or errors that you expect. You can use SQL to delete unneeded rows from the table.

Table 1 provides a brief description of the columns in the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table for native Oracle targets.

Table 1. Columns in the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table for native Oracle targets
Column name Description
EXCEPTION_TIME Data type: TIMESTAMP; Nullable: No, with default

The local timestamp at the Oracle database when the error or conflict occurred. Default: SYSDATE

RECVQ Data type: VARCHAR2(48); Nullable: No

The name of the receive queue where the transaction message arrived.

SRC_COMMIT_LSN Data type: RAW(48); Nullable: No

The logical log sequence number at the Q Capture server for the transaction.

SRC_TRANS_TIME Data type: TIMESTAMP; Nullable: No

The GMT timestamp at the Q Capture server for when the transaction was committed at the source database.

SUBNAME Data type: VARCHAR2(132); Nullable: No

The name of the Q subscription that the transaction belonged to.

REASON Data type: CHARACTER(12); Nullable: No

A description of the error or conflict that caused the transaction to be logged into the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table.

An attempt to delete or update a row that did not exist.
An attempt to insert a row that was already present.
The conflict detection rule was to check all values or check changed values, and a nonkey value was not as expected.
A large object (LOB) value or XML document was too large to fit into a transaction message. The TEXT column specifies which data type was too large.
An SQL error occurred, and it was not on the list of acceptable errors in the OK_ERROR_CODE column of the IBMQREP_TARGETS table.
An SQL error occurred, and it was on the list of acceptable errors in the OK_ERROR_CODE column of the IBMQREP_TARGETS table.
ERROR_CODE Data type: VARCHAR2(64); Nullable: No

The error code that was returned by the Oracle database for the row that could not be applied.

ERROR_TEXT Data type: VARCHAR2(512); Nullable: No

The text of the error message that was generated when the row could not be applied.

OPERATION Data type: VARCHAR2(18); Nullable: No

The type of SQL operation that failed. Possible values are INSERT, INSERT(LOAD), DELETE, DELETE(LOAD), UPDATE, UPDATE(LOAD), KEY UPDATE, KEY UPDATE(LOAD).

TEXT Data type: VARCHAR2(4000); Nullable: No

A SQL statement that describes the row that caused an error.

IS_APPLIED Data type: CHARACTER(1); Nullable: No

A flag that indicates whether the row was applied to the target table even though it was entered into the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table.

The row was applied because the conflict action that was specified for the Q subscription was F (force).
The transaction was not applied.
CONFLICT_RULE Data type: CHARACTER(1); Nullable: Yes

The type of conflict detection that resulted in the row being entered in the IBMQREP_EXCEPTIONS table.

Only key values were checked.
Changed nonkey values as well as key values were checked.
All values were checked.
SRC_TRANS_ID Data type: RAW(48); Nullable: Yes

The identifier for the transaction that includes the row that could not be applied.

SRC_INTENTSEQ Data type: RAW(16); Nullable: Yes

A sequence number that uniquely identifies the change at the source table that caused the failing row to be propagated.

AUTHID Data type: VARCHAR2(128); Nullable: Yes

The primary authorization ID for the transaction that contained the problematic row.

AUTHTOKEN Data type: VARCHAR2(30); Nullable: Yes

The authorization token (job name) for the transaction that contained the row.

PLANNAME Data type: VARCHAR2(8); Nullable: Yes

The plan name for the transaction that contained the row.