Store and forward capability

The Java Gateway for ServiceNow provides a store and forward capability to minimize any data loss should the gateway lose communication with ServiceNow. The store and forward capability is permanently enabled and goes from the ObjectServer to ServiceNow.

Operation of store and forward

The gateway creates a batch file for the following operations (depending on what is configured in the servicenow.rdrwtr.tblrep.def file):
  • Alert (alerts.status table) insert, update, or delete
  • Alert journals (alerts.journal table) insert

When the gateway reestablishes communication with ServiceNow, it sends the data that it has stored in the batch files.

Startup behavior

When the gateway starts, it sends an HTTP request to ServiceNow that either succeeds or fails. If the HTTP request succeeds, the gateway determines if there are any store-and-forward batch files from a previous run and, if present, processes these batch files.

If the HTTP request to ServiceNow fails for any reason, the gateway shuts down. The gateway does not attempt to gather data from the ObjectServer and store it in store-and-forward batch files.