Rule Execution Server API

Class IlrBusinessExecutionTrace

  extended by ilog.rules.res.session.ruleset.IlrBusinessExecutionTrace
All Implemented Interfaces:
IlrExecutionTrace, Serializable

public class IlrBusinessExecutionTrace
extends Object
implements IlrExecutionTrace

IlrBusinessExecutionTrace is a wrapper for IlrExecutionTrace. This class adds convenience methods for the business names of tasks and rules.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected  IlrExecutionTrace trace
Constructor Summary
IlrBusinessExecutionTrace(IlrExecutionTrace trace)
          Builds a new IlrBusinessExecutionTrace instance.
Method Summary
protected  void addRuleFiredBusinessNames(List<IlrExecutionEvent> executionEvents, List<String> firedRuleBusinessNames)
protected  void addTaskExecutedBusinessNames(List<IlrExecutionEvent> events, List<String> executedTaskBusinessNames)
 Set<String> getAllRuleBusinessNames()
          Returns the business names of all the rules in the ruleset.
 Set<String> getAllTaskBusinessNames()
          Returns the business names for all tasks in the ruleset.
 Set<String> getdRuleNotFiredBusinessNames()
          Returns the business names for the rules that have not been executed.
 Date getExecutionDate()
          Returns the execution date.
 Long getExecutionDuration()
          Returns the execution duration in milliseconds.
 List<IlrExecutionEvent> getExecutionEvents()
          Returns the list of executed rules and tasks.
 InetAddress getInetAddress()
          Returns the internet address.
 List<String> getRuleFiredBusinessNames()
          Returns the list of the business names for the rules fired.
 Map<String,IlrRuleInformation> getRules()
          Returns the ruleset rules by name.
 Set<IlrRuleInformation> getRulesNotFired()
          Returns the rule information for the rules that were not fired.
 Properties getSystemProperties()
          Returns the system properties of the execution environment.
 List<String> getTaskExecutedBusinessNames()
          Returns the list of the business names for the executed task.
 Set<String> getTaskNotExecutedBusinessNames()
          Returns the business names for the tasks that have not been executed.
 Map<String,IlrTaskInformation> getTasks()
          Returns the ruleset tasks by name.
 Set<IlrTaskInformation> getTasksNotExecuted()
          Returns the task information for the tasks that were not executed.
 Long getTotalRulesFired()
          Returns the number of rules fired.
 Long getTotalRulesNotFired()
          Returns the number of rules that have not fired.
 Long getTotalTasksExecuted()
          Returns the number of tasks executed.
 Long getTotalTasksNotExecuted()
          Returns the number of tasks not executed.
 Collection<Object> getWorkingMemory()
          Returns the working memory as a Collection.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected IlrExecutionTrace trace
Constructor Detail


public IlrBusinessExecutionTrace(IlrExecutionTrace trace)
Builds a new IlrBusinessExecutionTrace instance.

trace - The execution trace to wrap in this object.
Method Detail


public Set<String> getTaskNotExecutedBusinessNames()
Returns the business names for the tasks that have not been executed.

A set of business names.


public Set<String> getdRuleNotFiredBusinessNames()
Returns the business names for the rules that have not been executed.

A set of business names.


public Set<String> getAllRuleBusinessNames()
Returns the business names of all the rules in the ruleset.

A set of business names.


public Set<String> getAllTaskBusinessNames()
Returns the business names for all tasks in the ruleset.

A set of business names.


public List<String> getRuleFiredBusinessNames()
Returns the list of the business names for the rules fired. This list is taken from the underlying IlrExecutionTrace object.

The list of business names for the rules fired.


public List<String> getTaskExecutedBusinessNames()
Returns the list of the business names for the executed task. This list is taken from the underlying IlrExecutionTrace object.

The list of business names for the executed task.


protected void addRuleFiredBusinessNames(List<IlrExecutionEvent> executionEvents,
                                         List<String> firedRuleBusinessNames)


protected void addTaskExecutedBusinessNames(List<IlrExecutionEvent> events,
                                            List<String> executedTaskBusinessNames)


public Map<String,IlrRuleInformation> getRules()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the ruleset rules by name.

Specified by:
getRules in interface IlrExecutionTrace
All the rules in the ruleset. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Map<String,IlrTaskInformation> getTasks()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the ruleset tasks by name.

Specified by:
getTasks in interface IlrExecutionTrace
All the rules. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Date getExecutionDate()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the execution date.

Specified by:
getExecutionDate in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The execution date. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Long getExecutionDuration()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the execution duration in milliseconds.

Specified by:
getExecutionDuration in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The execution duration in milleseconds. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public List<IlrExecutionEvent> getExecutionEvents()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the list of executed rules and tasks.

Specified by:
getExecutionEvents in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The list of executed rules and tasks. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public InetAddress getInetAddress()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the internet address.

Specified by:
getInetAddress in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The internet address. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Set<IlrRuleInformation> getRulesNotFired()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the rule information for the rules that were not fired.

Specified by:
getRulesNotFired in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The list of IlrRuleInformation objects for the rules that were not fired. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Properties getSystemProperties()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the system properties of the execution environment.

Specified by:
getSystemProperties in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The system properties of the execution environment. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Set<IlrTaskInformation> getTasksNotExecuted()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the task information for the tasks that were not executed.

Specified by:
getTasksNotExecuted in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The list of IlrTaskInformation objects for the tasks that were not executed. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Long getTotalRulesFired()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the number of rules fired.

Specified by:
getTotalRulesFired in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The number of rules fired. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Long getTotalRulesNotFired()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the number of rules that have not fired.

Specified by:
getTotalRulesNotFired in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The number of rules that have not fired. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Long getTotalTasksExecuted()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the number of tasks executed.

Specified by:
getTotalTasksExecuted in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The number of tasks executed. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Long getTotalTasksNotExecuted()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the number of tasks not executed.

Specified by:
getTotalTasksNotExecuted in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The number of tasks not executed. If this information is not available, null is returned.


public Collection<Object> getWorkingMemory()
Description copied from interface: IlrExecutionTrace
Returns the working memory as a Collection.

Specified by:
getWorkingMemory in interface IlrExecutionTrace
The working memory. If this information is not available, null is returned.

Rule Execution Server API

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2013