Rule Execution Server API

Class IlrBinaryTest

  extended by ilog.rules.factory.IlrBaseTest
      extended by ilog.rules.factory.IlrBinaryTest
All Implemented Interfaces:
ilog.rules.factory.IlrSourceElement, IlrTest, Serializable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class IlrBinaryTest
extends IlrBaseTest

This class represents a binary test of the rule language. A binary test uses two values and performs a test between those values. The kind of test is specified by the field kind. The possible values of this field are defined in IlrBinaryTester. The test itself is performed by a IlrBinaryTester, which is returned by the method getTester(). If this method returns a null object, the current binary test is not a valid test expression.

Warning: Serialized objects of this class will not be compatible with future releases. The current serialization support is appropriate for short term storage or RMI between applications running the same version of IBM Decision Server.

See Also:
Serialized Form

Constructor Summary
protected IlrBinaryTest()
  IlrBinaryTest(int kind, IlrValue first, IlrValue second)
          Constructs a binary test.
Method Summary
 Object exploreTest(IlrFactoryExplorer explorer)
          Explores this binary test using a factory explorer and returns an object as a result.
 IlrValue getFirstArgument()
          Gets the first argument value involved in this test.
 int getKind()
          Gets the kind of test.
 IlrValue getSecondArgument()
          Gets the second argument value involved in this test.
 IlrBinaryTester getTester()
          Determines and returns the binary tester used to perform the test.
 void setFirstArgument(IlrValue first)
          Changes the first argument value involved in this test.
 void setKind(int kind)
          Sets the kind of test.
 void setSecondArgument(IlrValue second)
          Changes the second argument value involved in this test.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public IlrBinaryTest(int kind,
                     IlrValue first,
                     IlrValue second)
Constructs a binary test. This test involves two values.

kind - The kind of test, as defined in IlrBinaryTester. The possible values are those between IlrBinaryTester.EQUAL and IlrBinaryTester.NOT_IN. In case an incorrect value is given, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
first - The first argument value.
second - The second argument value.


protected IlrBinaryTest()
Method Detail


public final int getKind()
Gets the kind of test. The possible values are defined in IlrBinaryTester.

The kind of this test.


public void setKind(int kind)
Sets the kind of test.

kind - The possible values are defined in IlrBinaryTester.


public final IlrValue getFirstArgument()
Gets the first argument value involved in this test.

The first argument value involved in this test.


public final void setFirstArgument(IlrValue first)
Changes the first argument value involved in this test.

first - The first argument value involved in this test.


public final IlrValue getSecondArgument()
Gets the second argument value involved in this test.

The second argument value involved in this test.


public final void setSecondArgument(IlrValue second)
Changes the second argument value involved in this test.

second - The second argument value involved in this test.


public IlrBinaryTester getTester()
Determines and returns the binary tester used to perform the test. The tester is determined using the types of the arguments and the kind of the test. If this method returns null, the test is not a valid test expression.

A binary tester, or null if the test is not valid.


public Object exploreTest(IlrFactoryExplorer explorer)
Explores this binary test using a factory explorer and returns an object as a result.

explorer - The factory explorer.
An object which represents the result of the exploration, or null if the method does not return a value.

Rule Execution Server API

© Copyright IBM Corp. 1987, 2013