Decision Center API

Interface IlrElementDetails

All Superinterfaces:
Cloneable, ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrCompositeObject, ilog.rules.commonbrm.model.IlrElement, IlrElementHandle, IlrElementSummary, Serializable
All Known Subinterfaces:
IlrAbstractQuery, IlrAction, IlrActionObject, IlrActionRule, IlrActivity, IlrActivityComment, IlrActivityCommentAccess, IlrActivityCommentAttachment, IlrActivityCommentEvent, IlrActivityCommentLink, IlrActivityLock, IlrActivitySubscription, IlrActivityUserComment, IlrArgument, IlrBaseline, IlrBasicLock, IlrBasicModelElement, IlrBOM, IlrBOM2XOMMapping, IlrBOMEntry, IlrBOMPathEntry, IlrBranch, IlrBRLRule, IlrBusinessObject, IlrBusinessRule, IlrChangeAct, IlrChart, IlrConnectionEntry, IlrDataConnection, IlrDecisionTable, IlrDecisionTree, IlrDefinition, IlrDependency, IlrEvent, IlrEventArtifact, IlrEventElement, IlrEventFlow, IlrEventObject, IlrEventObjectArtifact, IlrEventRule, IlrEventRuleArtifact, IlrEventRuleGroup, IlrExtractor, IlrFile, IlrFilter, IlrFunction, IlrFunctionTask, IlrHierarchy, IlrInitialValue, IlrLock, IlrManagedBranch, IlrMergeReport, IlrMessageMap, IlrModelElement, IlrNamedConstant, IlrOverriddenRule, IlrPackageElement, IlrParameter, IlrProfile, IlrProjectBOMEntry, IlrProjectElement, IlrProjectInfo, IlrProxy, IlrQuery, IlrReferencingBsln, IlrRelease, IlrResource, IlrRule, IlrRuleApp, IlrRuleAppProperty, IlrRuleArtifact, IlrRuleArtifactTag, IlrRuleflow, IlrRuleflowTag, IlrRulePackage, IlrRuleProject, IlrRuleProjectTag, IlrRuleset, IlrRulesetProperty, IlrRuleTask, IlrScenarioSuite, IlrScenarioSuiteKPIReport, IlrScenarioSuiteReport, IlrScenarioSuiteResource, IlrScenarioTestReport, IlrSchema, IlrScopeElement, IlrServer, IlrSimulation, IlrSmartView, IlrSnapshot, IlrTag, IlrTask, IlrTechnicalRule, IlrTemplate, IlrTestReport, IlrTestSuite, IlrTimestampBsln, IlrTypedElement, IlrUserSetting, IlrValidationAct, IlrVariable, IlrVariableSet, IlrVocabulary

public interface IlrElementDetails
extends IlrElementHandle, IlrElementSummary, Cloneable, ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrCompositeObject

Details of a Decision Center element.

This is the raw representation of the database row where this element is or will be stored.

The getRawValue and setRawValue methods let you access the content of the element details.

Method Summary
 IlrElementDetails cloneElement()
          Creates a copy of the details of this element.
 IlrElementHandle getContainer()
          Gets the container of this element if the element is part of an aggregation (that is, referenced through a containment reference by its container).
 Object getRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature p)
          Gets the value of the given feature.
 void setRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature sf, Object value)
          Sets the value of the given feature.
 void setRawValueNoCheck(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature sf, Object value)
          Sets the value of the given feature without checking if the feature is read-only.
Methods inherited from interface ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrElementSummary
Methods inherited from interface ilog.rules.teamserver.model.IlrElementHandle
eClass, equals, equals, getModelInfo, getSession, getType, getValue, hashCode, isNew, toIdString
Methods inherited from interface ilog.rules.commonbrm.model.IlrElement
getPropertyValue, getPropertyValue, isInstanceOf

Method Detail


Object getRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature p)
Gets the value of the given feature.

Since the element details only represent a database row, the features accessible through this API are the following:


void setRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature sf,
                 Object value)
                 throws IlrReadOnlyException
Sets the value of the given feature.

This is done after checking that the value can be set (not a read-only feature). Since the element details only represent a database row, the features you can set through this API are the following:

If the feature you want to set is a contained reference, you have to use a committable object, set the value(s) using addModifiedElement, and commit using IlrSession.commit.

NOTE: Noncontainment multi-valued references (many = true, containment = false) are not supported in Decision Center.

IlrReadOnlyException - If the feature cannot be set because it is read-only.
See Also:
IlrCommitableObject.addModifiedElement(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference, IlrElementDetails), IlrSession.commit(IlrCommitableObject)


void setRawValueNoCheck(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature sf,
                        Object value)
Sets the value of the given feature without checking if the feature is read-only.

See Also:
setRawValue(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature, Object)


IlrElementHandle getContainer()
Gets the container of this element if the element is part of an aggregation (that is, referenced through a containment reference by its container).

A handle on the container, or null if this element is not part of an aggregation.


IlrElementDetails cloneElement()
Creates a copy of the details of this element.

The element details.

Decision Center API

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