Rolling update in-place and offline
You update an installed version of Decision Server Insights in-place and offline by stopping all of the servers, and then running an Installation Manager update on all of the server hosts in your production topology.
Before you begin
Specify the repository locations for Decision Server Insights in the Installation Manager preferences.
About this task
The following diagram shows the high-level steps that you must take to update Decision Server Insights from V8.10.x. Typically, the steps are done in the following order:
- Update the production server hosts. When this step is complete, the solutions that ran in the previous version are now running in the new runtime.
- Update the development environment.
- Migrate all of your solutions. This step converts solutions to make them compatible with the new
version. The previous version of the solution remains active until you deploy the new solution on
all of the runtime servers and activate it. Use
solutionManager deploy enableOnly=true
and thesolutionManager activate
commands to tell Insight Server to switch to the new version.
What to do next
- Update Decision Server Insights in your development environment, and follow the steps in Migrating solutions.
- Deploy the migrated version of your solutions to the runtime servers.