Installing updates in the user interface

Use Installation Manager to install the software updates for Decision Server Insights.

About this task

For available fix packs, see Fix List for IBM® Operational Decision Manager.

Run the Installation Manager update on all of the computers you installed Decision Server Insights. Update Insight Server in production and Insight Designer and Insight Server in development.

In production, stop one server at a time, and run the Installation Manager update. After the update is complete, restart the server or servers on that host and then do the same on the other hosts until all of the hosts are updated. Review the list of fixed defects in the available fix pack to evaluate if your solutions need to be rebuilt and redeployed.

If you have multiple server installations, you might want to update Insight Server before you update Insight Designer.


  1. Download the fix pack compressed file from Fix Central, and extract the files to a local folder.
    For example, <InstallDir>/updates.
  2. Start Installation Manager.
  3. Click File > Preferences, in the toolbar menu:
    1. Click Add Repository and browse to the extracted folder to select the repository.config file. Make sure that the repository is selected in the Repositories list.
    2. Click Apply to save your changes, and click OK to close the Repositories list.
  4. Click Update.
  5. Select Decision Server Insights to find updates and click Next.
  6. On the Update Packages page, select the update version that you want to install and click Next.
  7. Review and accept the terms of agreement, and then click Next.
  8. On the Update Packages page, select the features that you want to update and click Next.
  9. Review the summary information and click Update.


The following example describes a scenario that might help you better understand what you need to do to apply a fix pack to all your environments. The example has three different Insight Server configurations:
  • A development server, which is configured on a single host.
  • A highly available preproduction topology configured on six hosts. The preproduction topology uses the same configuration as the production topology.
  • A highly available production topology. Four nodes host runtime servers, two other nodes host one inbound, one outbound and one catalog server each.

This diagram represents three configurations: a server on single host, a preproduction server on multiple hosts, and a production server on multiple hosts.

A fix pack is applied to all of these hosts by following these steps:
  1. Update the development server (host 1) with the fix pack. Do not redeploy any of the solutions.
  2. Check that the deployed solutions are working properly with the fix pack on the test server.
  3. Update the preproduction topology (host 2 - host7) with the fix pack. Do not redeploy any of the solutions.
  4. Check that the deployed solutions are working properly with the fix pack on the preproduction topology.
  5. Update the production topology (host8 - host13) with the fix pack. Do not redeploy any of the solutions.
  6. Check that the deployed solutions are working properly with the fix pack on the production topology.
  7. Update all Insight Designer instances to the fix pack.
  8. Rebuild all solutions without making other changes.
  9. Redeploy the rebuilt solutions to the test server.
  10. Check that the rebuilt solutions are working properly with the fix pack on the test server.
  11. Redeploy the rebuilt solutions to the preproduction topology.
  12. Verify that the rebuilt solutions are working properly with the fix pack on the preproduction topology.
  13. Redeploy the rebuilt solutions to the production topology.
  14. Check that the rebuilt solutions are working properly with the fix pack on the production topology.