Configuring the search function of the Business console

You can set up the search function in the Decision Center Business console to work with a remote instance of the Apache Solr search engine.

About this task

By default, the search function in the Business console uses an embedded instance of the Apache Solr search engine. Alternatively, you can have the search function work with a remote instance of the search engine, which you can run on another computer, or the same computer but in a dedicated web application.

You can set three parameters for the search engine:
Table 1. Search parameters
Property Description
This parameter takes one of the following values:
  • SolrEmbedded: Use this value to select the embedded Solr search engine.
  • SolrRemote: Use this value to select a remote instance of the Solr search engine.
SolrEmbeddedDataDir Use this optional parameter to direct the index of the embedded version (SolrEmbedded) to a specific directory on Decision Center.
SolrRemoteUrl Use this parameter with SolrRemote to provide the URL of the remote Solr search engine.

You set the configuration parameters for the search engine in the file for Decision Center. The file must be found in your class path, and can be placed in any package of jrules-teamserver-xxx.ear\decisioncenter.war. The names of the search properties depend on the location of the file, for example with SearchProvider:

  • If you place the file in /WEB-INF/classes/com/ibm/rules/decisioncenter/web/search/, the name of the property must be SearchProvider.
  • If you place the file in /WEB-INF/classes/com/ibm/rules/decisioncenter/web/, the name of the property must be search.SearchProvider.

See also IlrPropertyManager.

The following table provides examples for setting the parameters in to work with the Solr search engine:
Table 2. Configuration table for search properties
Solr server Parameter settings

External server

The URL of the external server depends on the installation. For this example, the remote address of the search engine is http://mysearchserver:8983/solr.

Set the file as follows:


Embedded server

In this example, you store the index in the c:/temp/DC-SearchIndex directory on your computer.

Set the file as follows:


If you do not specify a directory for SolrEmbeddedDataDir, Decision Center stores the search index in a temporary directory that uses the system property denoted by plus decisioncenter-solr-<ext>, for example: <temp_dir>/decisioncenter-solr-dir/.

If you specify a directory for SolrEmbeddedDataDir, the directory and its content persist across server restarts, and the server does not re-index the repository with each restart.

Note: Upgrades to the Solr version can create a log entry in the application server or improper functioning of the search in the Business console. To fix this, re-index the search by stopping the server, deleting the directory /decisioncenter-solr<ext>, and restarting the server. Solr indexes are then automatically regenerated. You can locate the Solr index directory by running the diagnostic in the Business console (Administration > Diagnostic).


To configure the search function to run with a remote instance of the Solr search engine:

  1. Install the Apache Solr search engine on another computer, or as part of a dedicated web application on your computer.

    For information on installing the Solr server, visit the Apache Solr website.

  2. Locate the file in <InstallDir>/teamserver.
  3. Decompress the file in a directory in the remote instance of the Solr server.
  4. Configure the home directory of the remote Solr server to use the location of the decompressed configuration files.
    Tip: The Solr cache directory should be three times the size of the database.
  5. Configure the Decision Center file to point to the URL of the Solr server.