
Interface CmPolicyControlledSweep

  • All Superinterfaces:
    CmSweep, EngineObject, IndependentlyPersistableObject, IndependentObject, RepositoryObject,, Subscribable

    public interface CmPolicyControlledSweep
    extends RepositoryObject, CmSweep
    Represents a background service that repeatedly visits all instances of a specified class residing in a single database table. A policy controlled sweep cannot be created directly with a factory class. It is created indirectly by the server, when you create or update a CmSweepPolicy object.

    The same instance of a policy controlled sweep is subscribed to by all sweep policy objects that target classes whose instances are contained in the same table. If the policy controlled sweep does not already exist for a particular table, the server creates it.

    For example, consider a scenario where two sweep policies are created that target Document subclasses DC1 and DC2. Instances of Document subclasses are persisted in the DocVersion table. In this scenario, there currently is no policy controlled sweep instance for the DocVersion table. When a disposal policy is created with a sweep target of DC1, the server creates a policy controlled sweep to visit the DocVersion table for instances of class DC1. When a retention update policy is created with a sweep target of DC2, the server uses the existing policy controlled sweep, which is now configured to sweep over the DocVersion table for instances of both DC1 and DC2.

    When a sweep policy object is created, the server automatically creates a CmSweepRelationship object that links the sweep policy object with an instance of the policy controlled sweep. In the previous example, two CmSweepRelationship objects are created, one that associates the disposal policy object to the policy controlled sweep instance for the DocVersion table, and one that associates the retention update policy object to the same policy controlled sweep object.


    • Method Detail

      • get_InterSweepDelay

        java.lang.Integer get_InterSweepDelay()
        Returns the value of the InterSweepDelay property. For more information, see InterSweepDelay Property.
      • set_InterSweepDelay

        void set_InterSweepDelay(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the InterSweepDelay property. For more information, see InterSweepDelay Property.
      • get_SweepBatchSize

        java.lang.Integer get_SweepBatchSize()
        The number of candidate objects that will be passed to the Sweep handler in a single batch
      • set_SweepBatchSize

        void set_SweepBatchSize(java.lang.Integer value)
        The number of candidate objects that will be passed to the Sweep handler in a single batch Settability Restrictions: None.
      • get_NextStartTime

        java.util.Date get_NextStartTime()
        Returns the value of the NextStartTime property. For more information, see NextStartTime Property.
      • get_CurrentExaminedObjectCount

        java.lang.Double get_CurrentExaminedObjectCount()
        Returns the value of the CurrentExaminedObjectCount property. For more information, see CurrentExaminedObjectCount Property.
      • get_CurrentProcessedObjectCount

        java.lang.Double get_CurrentProcessedObjectCount()
        Returns the value of the CurrentProcessedObjectCount property. For more information, see CurrentProcessedObjectCount Property.
      • get_CurrentFailedObjectCount

        java.lang.Double get_CurrentFailedObjectCount()
        Returns the value of the CurrentFailedObjectCount property. For more information, see CurrentFailedObjectCount Property.
      • get_CompletedIterations

        java.lang.Integer get_CompletedIterations()
        Returns the value of the CompletedIterations property. For more information, see CompletedIterations Property.
      • get_FilteredQueryTimeout

        java.lang.Integer get_FilteredQueryTimeout()
        Returns the value of the FilteredQueryTimeout property. For more information, see FilteredQueryTimeout Property.
      • set_FilteredQueryTimeout

        void set_FilteredQueryTimeout(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the FilteredQueryTimeout property. For more information, see FilteredQueryTimeout Property.

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