
Interface CmBackgroundSearch

  • All Superinterfaces:
    CmSweep, EngineObject, IndependentlyPersistableObject, IndependentObject, RepositoryObject,, Subscribable

    public interface CmBackgroundSearch
    extends RepositoryObject, CmSweep
    The base class from which you can create a subclass to define the search expression and parameters for a background search. The CmBackgroundSearch class is derived from the CmSweep class and its instances are stored in the Sweep table. The base CmBackgroundSearch class cannot be instantiated.

    After you define a background search in a CmBackgroundSearch subclass, you start the background search by instantiating the subclass, providing values to those object properties that define parameters, and saving the object.

    To define the search expression of the background search, set the default value of the SearchExpression property definition of a CmBackgroundSearch subclass definition to a valid Content Platform Engine SQL expression. This SQL expression has a syntax extension for specifying parameter substitution. Parameters are defined by custom properties that you add to a CmBackgroundSearch subclass to define a particular search. The name of each parameter must match the symbolic name of a custom property.


    • Method Detail

      • get_DisplayName

        java.lang.String get_DisplayName()
        Returns the value of the DisplayName property. For more information, see DisplayName Property.
      • set_DisplayName

        void set_DisplayName(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the value of the DisplayName property. For more information, see DisplayName Property.
      • get_EffectiveStartDate

        java.util.Date get_EffectiveStartDate()
        Returns the value of the EffectiveStartDate property. For more information, see EffectiveStartDate Property.
      • set_EffectiveStartDate

        void set_EffectiveStartDate(java.util.Date value)
        Sets the value of the EffectiveStartDate property. For more information, see EffectiveStartDate Property.
      • get_EffectiveEndDate

        java.util.Date get_EffectiveEndDate()
        Returns the value of the EffectiveEndDate property. For more information, see EffectiveEndDate Property.
      • set_EffectiveEndDate

        void set_EffectiveEndDate(java.util.Date value)
        Sets the value of the EffectiveEndDate property. For more information, see EffectiveEndDate Property.
      • get_IsEnabled

        java.lang.Boolean get_IsEnabled()
        Returns the value of the IsEnabled property. For more information, see IsEnabled Property.
      • set_IsEnabled

        void set_IsEnabled(java.lang.Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the IsEnabled property. For more information, see IsEnabled Property.
      • get_SweepRetryWaitInterval

        java.lang.Integer get_SweepRetryWaitInterval()
        Returns the value of the SweepRetryWaitInterval property. For more information, see SweepRetryWaitInterval Property.
      • set_SweepRetryWaitInterval

        void set_SweepRetryWaitInterval(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the SweepRetryWaitInterval property. For more information, see SweepRetryWaitInterval Property.
      • get_SweepBatchSize

        java.lang.Integer get_SweepBatchSize()
        Returns the value of the SweepBatchSize property. For more information, see SweepBatchSize Property.
      • set_SweepBatchSize

        void set_SweepBatchSize(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the SweepBatchSize property. For more information, see SweepBatchSize Property.
      • get_MaximumFailures

        java.lang.Integer get_MaximumFailures()
        Returns the value of the MaximumFailures property. For more information, see MaximumFailures Property.
      • set_MaximumFailures

        void set_MaximumFailures(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the MaximumFailures property. For more information, see MaximumFailures Property.
      • get_SearchExpression

        java.lang.String get_SearchExpression()
        Returns the value of the SearchExpression property. For more information, see SearchExpression Property.
      • get_EffectiveSQL

        java.lang.String get_EffectiveSQL()
        Returns the value of the EffectiveSQL property. For more information, see EffectiveSQL Property.
      • get_FailureCount

        java.lang.Integer get_FailureCount()
        Returns the value of the FailureCount property. For more information, see FailureCount Property.
      • set_FailureCount

        void set_FailureCount(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the FailureCount property. For more information, see FailureCount Property.
      • get_LastFailureReason

        java.lang.String get_LastFailureReason()
        Returns the value of the LastFailureReason property. For more information, see LastFailureReason Property.
      • get_AllowStringTruncation

        java.lang.Boolean get_AllowStringTruncation()
        Returns the value of the AllowStringTruncation property. For more information, see AllowStringTruncation Property.
      • get_OrderByGroupedProperties

        java.lang.Boolean get_OrderByGroupedProperties()
        Returns the value of the OrderByGroupedProperties property. For more information, see OrderByGroupedProperties Property.
      • get_MaximumExaminedRowCount

        java.lang.Integer get_MaximumExaminedRowCount()
        Returns the value of the MaximumExaminedRowCount property. For more information, see MaximumExaminedRowCount Property.
      • set_MaximumExaminedRowCount

        void set_MaximumExaminedRowCount(java.lang.Integer value)
        Sets the value of the MaximumExaminedRowCount property. For more information, see MaximumExaminedRowCount Property.
      • changeClass

        void changeClass(java.lang.String className)
        Changes the class of a Content Engine object. The new class must already exist and both it and the original class must be subclasses of the same base class. The changeClass method does not modify the security for an object, even if the object's current security is derived from the default security for its source class. For the object's user-defined properties, the following rules apply:
        • Any user-defined properties that exist in the new class but not in the original class are set to the default value defined by the new class (or to null if there is no default defined).
        • Any user-defined properties that exist in both the original and the new class that are writable and have the same value (including null) as the default value defined in the original class will be set to the default value defined by the new class. However, any user-defined property that has had its value modified from the default value will retain that modified value in the new class.
        • Any user-defined properties whose definitions exist in the original class but not in the new class will no longer exist on the object when its class is changed.
        • Property constraints for the new class (for example, required values, choice lists, ranges) are not enforced.

        When the class of a document object is changed, the default document lifecycle policy of the new class will only be applied to the document object's DocumentLifecyclePolicy property if both of the following scenarios occur:

        • The document has no current lifecycle policy.
        • The document is either a reservation object, or is the current version object and is not reserved.

        Changing the document class of a document object has no effect on the storage location of the document's content. For more information, see the Document Storage topic in the "Document Concepts" section of the Content Engine Java and .NET API Developer's Guide.

        className - A String specifying the symbolic name, ClassNames constant, ID, or GUIDConstants constant of the class to which this object is to be changed.
        E_NULL_OR_INVALID_PARAM_VALUE - if className is null or has a length of zero.

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