Interface User

  • All Superinterfaces:
    EngineObject, IndependentObject, SecurityPrincipal,

    public interface User
    extends SecurityPrincipal
    Represents a particular user who has access to Content Engine resources. Access rights and permissions are assigned to a grantee, which can be a user or a group. A user's access to resources can be defined in terms of its membership in a group, but need not be. Permission objects have an associated User or Group object. Group and Realm objects have associated User objects, and can also have associated Group objects.

    User accounts and the groups and subgroups to which they belong are defined and created using tools provided by your directory service product (for example, Windows Active Directory, Novell eDirectory, or Oracle Directory Server). Creating and modifying user accounts and groups are administrative tasks (typically performed by a system administrator) that are outside the scope of the Content Engine API.

    You cannot create a new User object, but you can instantiate one that has been persisted in your directory service by:

    • Calling Factory.User.fetchCurrent , which returns the current user.
    • Calling getInstance or fetchInstance on the Factory.User class.
    • Retrieving an individual User object from a UserSet collection object.

    You can call methods on the User object to retrieve information about the user, such as the user's name and ID and to which groups the user belongs.


    • Method Detail

      • get_Name

        java.lang.String get_Name()
        Returns the value of the Name property. For more information, see Name Property.
      • get_Id

        java.lang.String get_Id()
        Returns the value of the Id property. For more information, see Id Property.
      • get_DisplayName

        java.lang.String get_DisplayName()
        Returns the value of the DisplayName property. For more information, see DisplayName Property.
      • get_DistinguishedName

        java.lang.String get_DistinguishedName()
        Returns the value of the DistinguishedName property. For more information, see DistinguishedName Property.
      • get_ShortName

        java.lang.String get_ShortName()
        Returns the value of the ShortName property. For more information, see ShortName Property.
      • get_Email

        java.lang.String get_Email()
        Returns the value of the Email property. For more information, see Email Property.

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