
Class ContentIntegrityOption

  • java.lang.Object
    • com.filenet.api.constants.ContentIntegrityOption
  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class ContentIntegrityOption
    extends java.lang.Object
    Provides a set of constants that specify how content validation is performed on a storage area. The constants are set as a bitmask on the CmContentIntegrityOptions property of StorageArea.

    Content integrity options apply only to an advanced storage area.

    See Also:
    Advanced storage areas, Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final int VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_CREATION_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_CREATION instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_CREATION
        If VALIDATE_ON_CREATION is specified and the content signature has been computed, verifies the signature after content upload. The content signature is computed if either content de-duplication is enabled on StorageArea, or if the COMPUTE_CONTENT_SIGNATURE option is enabled. Advanced storage area only: Applies the same logic to content replication.

        public static final int AUTO_REPAIR_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the AUTO_REPAIR_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption AUTO_REPAIR_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT
        Advanced storage area only: If the validateContent API on StorageArea detects invalid content (missing, invalid size, invalid signature), initiate auto repair of the content with the replication sweep. Note that signature validation is only applied if the signature has been computed and the VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT option is specified.

        public static final int COMPUTE_CONTENT_SIGNATURE_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the COMPUTE_CONTENT_SIGNATURE instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption COMPUTE_CONTENT_SIGNATURE
        If specified, the content signature is always computed during content upload.

        public static final int VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT
        If the content signature has been computed, verifies the signature within the validateContent API on StorageArea. The content signature is computed if either content de-duplication is enabled on StorageArea, or if the COMPUTE_CONTENT_SIGNATURE option is enabled.

        public static final int AUTO_REPAIR_ON_RETRIEVAL_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the AUTO_REPAIR_ON_RETRIEVAL instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption AUTO_REPAIR_ON_RETRIEVAL
        Advanced storage area only: If VALIDATE_ON_RETRIEVAL is enabled and content retrieval detects invalid content (missing, invalid size, invalid signature), initiate auto repair of the content with the replication sweep. Note that signature validation is only applied if the signature has been computed and the VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_VALIDATE_CONTENT option is specified.

        public static final int VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_RETRIEVAL_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_RETRIEVAL instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption VERIFY_SIGNATURE_ON_RETRIEVAL
        If VALIDATE_ON_RETRIEVAL is specified and the content signature has been computed, verifies the signature prior to returning content to the end user. The content signature is computed if either content de-duplication is enabled on StorageArea, or if the COMPUTE_CONTENT_SIGNATURE option is enabled. Advanced storage area only: Attempts to retrieve from another replica if the content is determined to be invalid.

        public static final int VALIDATE_ON_CREATION_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the VALIDATE_ON_CREATION instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption VALIDATE_ON_CREATION
        Validates existence and size after content upload. Advanced storage area only: Validates existence and size after content replication (target replica).

        public static final int VALIDATE_ON_RETRIEVAL_AS_INT
        An int value associated with the VALIDATE_ON_RETRIEVAL instance of this class. Consider using the static instances of this class instead of the associated int values. The int values risk binary incompatibility (but not source incompatibility) from release to release.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final ContentIntegrityOption VALIDATE_ON_RETRIEVAL
        Validates existence and size at the beginning of content retrieval (prior to returning content to the end user). Advanced storage area only: Attempts to retrieve from another replica if the content is determined to be invalid.
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public int getValue()
        Returns the internal integer value associated with a specific instance of this class.
        The enumeration instance's ordinal value.
        See Also:
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Returns a String representation of this enumeration instance.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        The enumeration instance's description.
      • getInstanceFromInt

        public static ContentIntegrityOption getInstanceFromInt(int value)
        Returns an instance of this class using its associated integer value.
        value - The integer value. (See the *_AS_INT fields.)
        The enumeration instance with the given ordinal value.
        EngineRuntimeException - If an enumeration instance with the given ordinal value does not exist.
        See Also:

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