
Interface IndexJobClassItem

  • All Superinterfaces:
    DependentObject, EngineObject, IndexJobItem, RepositoryObject,

    public interface IndexJobClassItem
    extends RepositoryObject, IndexJobItem, DependentObject
    Identifies the class to be full-text indexed. When a property or class is enabled for indexing (CBR-enabled), objects associated with that newly enabled property or class need to be indexed. Conversely, when a property or class is disabled for indexing, objects associated with that newly disabled property or class need to be removed from existing indexes. The specified class can be any base class (such as, Document or Folder), or any of its subclasses, that support indexing. All instances of the specified class are indexed.

    Warning Do not change the CBREnabled status of a class or property while an IndexJob operation is running on that class. Doing so can cause unpredictable results. Instead, stop any index job running on a class before changing the configuration, then resubmit the index job for that class.

    If the class selected to index is a base class (Versionable, Document, Annotation, Folder, or CustomObject), the server creates CmTextSearchIndex objects to hold the new indexing information. When this index operation completes, the server deletes the existing IBM® Content Search Services indexes that previously held the indexing information. When indexing information is deleted, the server deletes all relevant indexes rather than deleting indexes on a per-object basis. Therefore, indexing a base class is faster than indexing a subclass of the base class.

    Note For indexing purposes, the Document class is also considered to be a base class, because the Document class is the only subclass of the Versionable class and no instances of the Versionable class can be created.


    • Method Detail

      • get_IncludeSubclassesRequested

        java.lang.Boolean get_IncludeSubclassesRequested()
        Returns the value of the IncludeSubclassesRequested property. For more information, see IncludeSubclassesRequested Property.
      • set_IncludeSubclassesRequested

        void set_IncludeSubclassesRequested(java.lang.Boolean value)
        Sets the value of the IncludeSubclassesRequested property. For more information, see IncludeSubclassesRequested Property.

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