
DojoMobileAccordionPane is a special type of DojoMobileContentPane that can be used as the children of the DojoMobileAccordion.

Note: To import the selected sample, you must install and use the local help.


The icon to display in the pane's title bar when the pane is open/expanded. If this is not specified, then the value for iconBase in the DojoMobileAccordion is used.
The position of the paneOpenIcon in the pane's title bar. It is a string in the form “top, left, width, and height”. If this is not specified, then the value for iconPos in the DojoMobileAccordion is used.
The icon to display in the pane's title bar when the pane is closed/collapsed. If this is not specified, then the value for iconBase in the DojoMobileAccordion is used.
The position of the paneClosedIcon in the pane's title bar. It is a string in the form “top, left, width, and height”. If this is not specified, then the value for iconPos in the DojoMobileAccordion is used.
The label of the pane, to be shown in the pane's title bar in the DojoMobileAccordion.
Specifies whether the pane is open when the DojoMobileAccordion is loaded.
Determines whether the specified child widget is present in this pane.
The index of the specified child in this pane, or -1 if the child is not found.