Editing the config.ini file

After the Developer Portal is installed, you can configure settings in accordance with your company policy or available disk space by editing the config.ini file.

About this task

You must be an administrator and have access to the CLI for your Developer Portal virtual machine.


If you change a setting, uncomment the line by removing the # symbol, for the change to become effective.

Edit the following file:
Within this file, you can configure the following options:
Networking configuration
This setting dictates which network card is used to detect the IP addresses, which is eth0 by default. Remove the # from the following line:
This uncomments the line and allows you to edit which network card is configured, the following line is an example of the line configured for an eth1 network card:
You can find out what your network cards are by entering the following command:
When you have edited the NETWORKCARD_FOR_IP setting, enter the following command:
Developer Portal queuing mechanism
You can edit variables that control the queuing mechanism for the Developer Portal. Any action that changes a site (add, update, upgrade, add_language, delete) is executed via a queue and the throughput will be affected by these variables. The following lines are examples of configurable queuing mechanism options
Note: Only one action can be executed per site, per cluster
This value corresponds to the maximum number of tasks that will execute from the queue on each machine. By default, this value is equal to the number of processors in your machine.
This value corresponds to the maximum number of add_language tasks that will run from the queue on each machine.
This value corresponds to the number of times a failed task will be retried. By default, this value is 3.
This value corresponds to the number of seconds before the systems checks that a task is still running. By default, this value is set to 90 seconds.
This value corresponds to number of failed attempts to test the process at the TASK_CHECK_EXECUTE_SECS interval before the queue lock is forced to be unlocked. By default, this value is 3.
This value corresponds to the number of seconds to wait for an SSH response when checking that a task is still running on a remote node. By default, this value is set to 5.
Timestamp check of cluster file system sync
You can configure time difference, between the current system time and the entry in a node's timestamp file, for which the timestamps command returns a non-zero return code, indicating a bad time stamp. To configure this value, edit the following line:
By default, this value is set to 90 seconds.
Historical log and backup files
You can control how many historical files for logs and backups are kept. The following lines are examples of configurable historical file settings:
This variable corresponds to the number of stored output files in /home/admin/logs that are generated by generate_logs before the oldest files are removed. By default, this value is set to 3.
This value corresponds to the number of days of site backup files in /var/aegir/backups that are kept before the oldest files are deleted.

[V5.0.0 only]By default this value is set to 7 days worth of site backup files, and these days do not have to be 7 consecutive days of backing up.

[V5.0.1 or later]By default this value is set to 14 days worth of site backup files, and these days do not have to be 14 consecutive days of backing up.

Multiple backup files generated on the same day will all be counted as one day when you set this value.

This value corresponds to the number of days of node backup files in /home/admin/backups are kept before the oldest files are deleted. The days do not need to be sequential, and multiple backup files generated on one day will all be counted as one day when you set this value. By default this value is set to 7.
This value corresponds to the number of unused platforms to be kept when all sites have been migrated to the latest platform. By default this value is set to 1.
This value corresponds to the percentage of the total disk space that the binary logs can consume. When this limit is reached, older logs are removed. By default, this value is set to 10%.
Note: You can disable this feature by uncommenting the line and setting the value to 0.
SSL Protocols and Ciphers for the web server
You can edit SSL Protocol and Cipher enablement for the web server by following the guiding notes in the config.ini file.
Note: If you edit either the SSL_PROTOCOLS or SSL_CIPHERS settings, you must run the following command on all cluster members:
To change the SSL_PROTOCOLS and SSL_CIPHERS settings, you must configure the following settings:
    !DSS !RC4'
Note: The contents for SSL_PROTOCOLS and SSL_CIPHERS settings in the previous examples are default values that can be configured.