Update a specific application credential

Where an application has multiple pairs of clientID/clientSecret credentials, use this method to update a specific pair of credentials by supplying its credential Id. You can update the clientID, clientSecret, or both. Note that when updating the clientID, the API checks that there is no other credentials resource with the same clientID. The input clientSecret value for this API must be a Base64 encoded SHA-256 hash of the original plain-text clientSecret. Also, note that many tools will automatically encode a SHA-256 value as a hex string so that it is human readable. This API requires that the SHA-256 value be encoded using Base64 instead. You can use the following Linux command to convert a hex encoded SHA-256 value to Base64 encoding: echo "HEX_ENCODED_SHA256_VALUE" | xxd -r -p | base64

Sample method invocation

  curl -X PUT \
    -u userid:pw \
    -d '        
           "clientID": string,
           "clientSecret": string,
           "description": string
       ' \