Upgrading API Connect subsystems in a VMware environment

Complete the following steps to upgrade API Connect subsystems.

Before you begin

  • You cannot upgrade directly to FP24 from versions older than FP20; you must upgrade to FP20 first.
  • Upgrading to FP20 from any version older than FP15 requires that you first upgrade to at least one version in the FP15-to-FP19 range.
  • Ensure that you have met the requirements for upgrading API Connect subsystems in a VMware environment. See Requirements for upgrading on VMware.
  • Ensure that you are upgrading to the latest Fix Pack version. These instructions apply to upgrading to the latest Fix Pack version. To access the Fix Packs, see the link in What's New in the latest release.

About this task

When you apply an upgrade, the new level of the subsystem overwrites the existing level. Your user configuration, APIs, Products, and subsystem configurations (Management, Analytics, and Developer Portal) are retained.

Note: Upgrading to 2018.4.1.13 - iFix3.0 or later: Permissions are added to the pre-supplied API Connect user roles as follows:
  • A role that had the Api-Drafts:View permission, but not the Api-Drafts:Manage permission, has the Product-Drafts:View permission added if not already present.
  • A role that has both the Api-Drafts:View and Api-Drafts:Manage permissions has the Product-Drafts:View and Product-Drafts:Manage permissions added if not already present.

The permission settings for custom roles are not changed.

For more information on user roles, and assigning permissions to roles, see API Connect user roles and Creating custom roles.


  1. Verify the API Connect deployment is healthy and fully operational:
    Version to upgrade from Instructions
    v2018.4.1.6 or later See Checking cluster health on VMware

    When upgrading from v2018.4.1.6 or later to v2018.4.1.10 or later, this step is optional because a health check is run automatically as part of the apicup subsys install command in step 7. Note that you might still want to run the health check now, as preparation for the manual backup in step 2.

    v2018.4.1.5 or earlier See Determining status of a cluster on VMware
  2. Complete a manual backup of the API Connect subsystems. See Backing up and restoring.
  3. If necessary, prepare your management database for the upgrade:
    Version to upgrade from Instructions
    v2018.4.1.8 or later No preparation required. Skip this step, go directly to Step 4
    v2018.4.1.7 or earlier

    Due to schema changes, upgrade of the management database takes longer than previous upgrades. For long established deployments with a large amount of data, such as over 10 GB, upgrade can take as long as several hours. To reduce this time, use the apicops interface to truncate the subscriber event table and remove unused snapshots.

    Download the latest release of the apicops interface from https://github.com/ibm-apiconnect/apicops/releases, and run the following commands:
     apicops subscriber-queues:clear
     apicops snapshots:clean-up
  4. Download the appropriate images from IBM® Fix Central.

    To access the Fix Packs, see the link in What's New in the latest release. On the Fix Pack page, select the version you want to install. When the version contents are displayed, access the files by clicking the link Status: Available.

    The upgrade files are distributed in compressed tar format. The filename structure is:

  5. If necessary, download from the same Fix Pack page any Control Plane files that are needed.

    Control Plane files provide support for specific Kubernetes versions. The file upgrade_management_lts_<version>.tgz contains the latest Control Plane file. An upgrade from the most recent API Connect version to the current version does not need a separate Control Plane file. However, when upgrading from older versions of API Connect, you must install one or more control plane files to ensure that all current Kubernetes versions are supported.

    Consult the following table to see if your deployment needs one or more separate Control Plane files.

    Note: If you want to upgrade to an older fix pack than the current release, see the Control Plane lists in Control planes needed for upgrading to earlier fix packs.
    Version to upgrade from Instructions for upgrading to v2018.4.1.24
    v2018.4.1.20 and iFixes
    No control plane needed.
    v2018.4.1.19 and iFixes
    v2018.4.1.18 was not released
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    v2018.4.1.17 and iFixes
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.21.x.tgz
    v2018.4.1.16 and iFixes
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.21.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.20.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.19.x.tgz
    v2018.4.1.15 and iFixes
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.21.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.20.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.19.x.tgz
    v2018.4.1.13 and iFixes
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.21.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.20.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.19.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.18.x.tgz
    • v2018.4.1.12 and iFixes
    • v2018.4.1.11 and iFixes
    • v2018.4.1.10 and iFixes
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.21.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.20.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.19.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.18.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.17.x.tgz
    • v2018.4.1.9 and iFixes
    • v2018.4.1.8 and iFixes
    • v2018.4.1.7 and iFixes
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.21.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.20.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.19.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.18.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.17.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.16.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.15.x.tgz
    • v2018.4.1.6 and iFixes
    • v2018.4.1.5 and iFixes
    • appliance-control-plane-1.23.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.22.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.21.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.20.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.19.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.18.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.17.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.16.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.15.x.tgz
    • appliance-control-plane-1.14.x.tgz
    • Control Plane files are distributed on the same Fix Pack page as the API Connect distribution files.
    • You will install the Control Plane files with each subsystem as part of Step 7.
  6. Download the version of Install Assist (apicup) that matches your upgrade version of API Connect.
  7. For each API Connect subsystem, in turn, run the install command. The syntax is:
    apicup subsys install [SUBSYS-NAME] [path_to_subsystem_upgrade_tar_archive]
    • When you run the install, the program sends the compressed tar file, which contains the upgrade images, to all cluster members. The compressed tar file is about 2 GB, and transfer can take some time. When the install command exits, the compressed tar file has arrived at each member. The upgrade process is now underway, and might continue for some time depending on factors such as the size of your deployment, your network speed, etc.
    • If you downloaded Control Plane files in Step 5, install them at the same time as each subsystem. The syntax is:
      apicup subsys install [SUBSYS-NAME] [path_to_subsystem_upgrade_tar_archive] [path_to_control_plane_file]
      • You must install the Control Plane file and the upgrade file for the subsystem at the same time. You can install multiple Control Plane files with one apicup subsys install command. The ordering of files passed to apicup subsys install does not matter.
        • For example, to upgrade the management subsystem from 2018.4.1.7 to 2018.4.1.12:
          $ apicup subsys install management upgrade_management_lts_v2018.4.1.10.tgz appliance-control-plane-1.15.[x].tgz
        • For example, to upgrade the management subsystem from 2018.4.1.5-ifix1.0 to 2018.4.1.12:
          $ apicup subsys install management upgrade_management_lts_v2018.4.1.10.tgz appliance-control-plane-1.15.[x].tgz appliance-control-plane-1.14.[x].tgz
      • If unsure of which files are required for upgrade, running apicup subsys install interrogates the subsystem and returns an error if any required files are missing. For example, upgrading from 2018.4.1.7 to 2018.4.1.12, but missing a control plane file:
        $ apicup subsys install management upgrade_management_lts_v2018.4.1.12.tgz
        Error: failed to install the subsystem: Unable to execute appliance plan: Missing minor version 15 in control plane upgrade path

        The error indicates that you also need to provide a Control Plane artifact that is minor version 15. Note that the Control Plane artifact file naming convention is major.minor.patch. Any patch version for the same minor version will work:

    • The apicup subsys install command automatically runs apicup health-check prior to attempting the upgrade. An error is displayed if a problem is found that will prevent successful upgrade.
  8. For each subsystem, verify that the upgrade was successful.
    • Use ssh to access the appliance and run sudo apic status. Verify that the Upgrade stage: property has the value UPGRADE_DONE. Note that after the upgrade completes, it can take several minutes for all servers to start. If you see the error message Subsystems not running, wait a few minutes, try the command again, and review the output in the Status column of the Pods Summary section. For example, here is output from an upgrade of the Analytics subsystem.
      #sudo apic status
      INFO[0000] Log level: info
      Cluster members:
      - testsrv0233.subnet1.example.com (
        Install stage: DONE
        Upgrade stage: UPGRADE_DONE
        Docker status:
          Systemd unit: running
        Kubernetes status:
          Systemd unit: running
          Kubelet version: testsrv0233 (4.4.0-138-generic) [Kubelet v1.10.6, Proxy v1.10.6]
        Etcd status: pod etcd-testsrv0233 in namespace kube-system has status Running
        Addons: calico, dns, helm, kube-proxy, metrics-server, nginx-ingress,
      Etcd cluster state:
      - etcd member name: testsrv0233.subnet1.example.com, member id: 12836860275847862867, cluster id: 14018872452420182423, 
              leader id: 12836860275847862867, revision: 365042, version: 3.1.17
      Pods Summary:
      NODE               NAMESPACE          NAME                                                                READY        STATUS           REASON
                         default            apic-analytics-analytics-client-76956644b9-cmgx8                    0/0          Pending
      testsrv0233        default            apic-analytics-analytics-client-76956644b9-vlqp2                    1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        default            apic-analytics-analytics-cronjobs-retention-1541381400-hp9fc        0/1          Succeeded
      testsrv0233        default            apic-analytics-analytics-cronjobs-rollover-1541445300-c5n6z         0/1          Succeeded
                         default            apic-analytics-analytics-ingestion-547f875467-8mhsl                 0/0          Pending
      testsrv0233        default            apic-analytics-analytics-ingestion-547f875467-s7flj                 1/1          Running
                         default            apic-analytics-analytics-mtls-gw-85b8676855-jmh8c                   0/0          Pending
      testsrv0233        default            apic-analytics-analytics-mtls-gw-85b8676855-sw6ps                   1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        default            apic-analytics-analytics-storage-basic-8cckh                        1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        calico-node-8crtp                                                   2/2          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        coredns-87cb95869-6flvn                                             1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        coredns-87cb95869-rccvb                                             1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        etcd-testsrv0233                                                    1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        ingress-nginx-ingress-controller-f7b9z                              1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        ingress-nginx-ingress-default-backend-6f58fb5f56-nklmv              1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        kube-apiserver-testsrv0233                                          1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        kube-apiserver-proxy-testsrv0233                                    1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        kube-controller-manager-testsrv0233                                 1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        kube-proxy-2vw9b                                                    1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        kube-scheduler-testsrv0233                                          1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        metrics-server-5558db4678-9drz6                                     1/1          Running
      testsrv0233        kube-system        tiller-deploy-84f4c8bb78-vx65c                                      1/1          Running
    • To check the status of a cluster on v2018.4.1.6 or later, see Checking cluster health on VMware.
    • After completing an upgrade of the Portal subsystem, there may be a delay while the existing sites are upgraded to the new platform version. Once all Portal pods have been upgraded, run the following commands from your project directory. To see the progress of sites being upgraded to the new platform version, use the following commands:
      1. apicup subsys exec portal list-sites sites

        Any sites currently upgrading will be listed as UPGRADING. Once all sites have finished upgrading they should have the INSTALLED status and the new platform version listed.

      2. Once all sites are in INSTALLED state and have the new platform listed, run:

        apicup subsys exec portal list-sites platforms

        The new version of the platform should be the only platform listed.

    Important: DO NOT reboot any of the virtual machines until ALL of the Portal sites are in INSTALLED state and there is only one platform returned, even if you're instructed to do so by the apicup subsys health-check during the upgrade process.
  9. When the upgrade completes successfully, ssh into the appliance. If a message indicates that a reboot is necessary, reboot the virtual machine to complete the operating system upgrades.
  10. Version 2018.4.1.9 iFix1.0 and later: After completion of the upgrade, verify that all tasks are running.

    Due to a known limitation in versions prior to v2018.4.1.9 iFix1.0, some tasks may have stopped running. Complete the following steps:

    1. Download the apicops utility from https://github.com/ibm-apiconnect/apicops/releases.
    2. Run the following command to remove any pending tasks:
      $ apicops task-queue:fix-stuck-tasks
    3. Run the following command to verify that the returned list (task queue) is empty.
      $ apicops task-queue:list-stuck-tasks
  11. If you upgraded the Analytics subsystem from Version 2018.4.1.9 (or earlier) to Version 2018.4.1.10 (or later), and you enabled the Analytics message queue, you must clean and restart the Analytics message queue and ingestion pods.

    With root permissions, run the following script on a single Analytics OVA post upgrade.

    #sudo su
    kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" | grep zookeeper | while read POD ; do
      echo "-------------Deleting zookeeper data for $POD"
      kubectl exec $POD -- rm -rf /var/lib/zookeeper/data
      kubectl exec $POD -- rm -rf /var/lib/zookeeper/log
      kubectl exec $POD -- rm  /var/lib/zookeeper/zookeeper.entries
      kubectl exec $POD -- rm  /var/lib/zookeeper/nodes.json
    kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" | grep zookeeper | while read POD ; do
      echo "-------------Deleting pod"
      kubectl delete pod $POD --grace-period 0 --force &
    sleep 120
    kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" | grep kafka | while read POD ; do
      echo "-------------Deleting pod"
      kubectl delete pod $POD --grace-period 0 --force &
    sleep 120
    kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns=":metadata.name" | grep ingestion | while read POD ; do
      echo "-------------Deleting pod"
      kubectl delete pod $POD --grace-period 0 --force &

    When the script completes, verify that the zookeeper pods are running:

    kubectl get pods

    If any of the zookeeper pods are not running, run the script again.

What to do next

If you encounter problems with the cassandra or calico pods after completing the API Connect upgrade, see Troubleshooting the API Connect upgrade on VMware for suggested resolutions.

When you have successfully upgraded all of the API Connect subsystems, upgrade your DataPower Gateway Service. See Upgrading DataPower Gateway Service.