Permissions for administrators

If you are using any IBM® Integration Bus functions that require access to WebSphere® MQ, additional permissions are required by administrators.

About this task

When you activate administration security with the authorization mode set to mq, the WebSphere MQ permissions for inquire, put, and set are granted for the group mqbrkrs for the queue SYSTEM.BROKER.AUTH. These permissions grant read, write, and execute authority on the integration node and its properties to all system user IDs that are members of mqbrkrs, where the system ID is provided by a local command or Toolkit, or corresponds to the configured role for a remote or web user.

If you want additional user IDs to have administrator authorization, either add those IDs to the group mqbrkrs, or add WebSphere MQ permissions for inquire, put, and set for those user IDs to this queue.

The following table summarizes the WebSphere MQ permissions that are required in order to connect to the queue manager that is specified on the integration node:

Object Name Permissions
Queue manager The queue manager associated with the integration node; for example, IBQMGR

For information about the permissions that are required to enable users to act on IBM Integration Bus resources, see Permissions for acting on integration nodes and resources.