Message Sets: Importing from XML Schema

You can use the New Message Definition File wizard in the IBM® Integration Toolkit to create a new message definition from an XML Schema

Before you begin

Tip: In WebSphere® Message Broker Version 8.0 and later, message model schema files contained in applications, integration services, and libraries are the preferred way to model messages for most data formats. Message sets are required if you use the MRM or IDOC domains. For more information about message modeling, see Message modeling concepts. For information about how to create an XML schema, see Creating an XML Schema file by using the New Message Model wizard.

you must have completed the following tasks:

Before you begin this task, you should be aware of the following points:

  • If you are importing a collection of related XML Schema files, you are advised to use the mqsicreatemsgdefs command. This imports all the XML Schema files in a single operation, and automatically adjusts the import and include paths.
  • If the message set to which you are adding the new message definition file does have an XML wire format layer, but no namespace support, the imported schema is modified to remove namespaces. For this reason, you should enable namespace support before importing a schema.
  • If the message set to which you are adding the new message definition file does not have an XML wire format layer, but does have namespace support, only the logical information appears in the model. For this reason, you should add the physical layer to the message set before importing the schema. This ensures that the message set is populated with the settings and values from the schema. The XML Schema is not modified to remove namespaces.
  • If the message set to which you are adding the new message definition file does not have an XML wire format layer, and does not have namespace support, only the logical information appears in the model and the imported schema is modified to remove namespaces.
  • If you are working with a message set that does not have namespace support, you must specify the preferences that apply when you import a schema into the message set. These preferences allow you to specify how the importer treats certain individual schema constructs. You can either reject the schema if any occurrences of the construct are encountered or modify occurrences of the construct. If you choose modify, the importer modifies all occurrences of the construct.
  • The extension to the XML Schema file must be .xsd in lowercase.

About this task

The following steps create a completely new message definition file or overwrite the contents of an existing file.

To create a message definition from an XML Schema file:


  1. Switch to the Integration Development perspective.
  2. Open the New Message Definition File wizard by clicking File> New> Message Definition File on the IBM Integration Toolkit menu.
    Alternatively, you can open the wizard by right-clicking an *.xsd file that was previously imported into the IBM Integration Toolkit and clicking New> Message Definition File on the menu.
  3. In the displayed list of options, click XML Schema file to select it, and then click Next.
  4. Step through the remainder of the wizard, competing the details as required.
    The processing time for importing the XML Schema varies according to the size and complexity of that schema. In a large and complex schema, it can take some time to import the file, generate the log file and display any task list warnings or errors.


When you have finished importing the XML Schema using the wizard:

  • Carefully check the log file for any warnings or errors in the report that is created when the file is imported. These warnings and error messages give information about whether the schema failed to import or needed to be modified to enable it to be successfully imported. You can find this report in the log directory structure within the project that contains the message definition that you have tried to create. The report has a file extension, prefixed with the name that you specified for the new message definition file.
  • Review the messages that are shown in the IBM Integration Toolkit task list to check whether any new warnings or error messages have appeared. Although you might have imported a perfectly valid schema, the task list will display warnings or error messages for any errors that exist in the message definition file. The following situations are examples where messages appear:
    • If the XML Schema that you are importing contains xsd:key, xsd:keyref and xsd:unique constructs, warning messages appear in the task list to tell you that these constructs are unsupported and will be ignored by the integration node. If you prefer to delete these constructs, open the message definition file in the Message Definition editor, and delete the constructs as described in Message Sets: Deleting objects. Deleting the constructs also removes the warning messages from the task list. If you decide not to delete the constructs, they remain in the message model but are not be deployed to the integration node, or used for any other purpose. The warning messages remain in the task list, but you can use the message model normally.
    • If the XML Schema that you are importing contains xsd:redefine constructs, error messages appear in the task list to tell you that this construct is unsupported. If you right-click the error messages and select Quick Fix, you can choose to convert the xsd:redefine constructs into xsd:include constructs. This also removes the error messages.
    • If the XML Schema that you are importing contains xsd:attribute constructs that contain both a fixed value and a default value, error messages appear in the task list to tell you that this construct is unsupported. However, the schema is still imported and the fixed value is used, not the default value. The error messages can be ignored.
    • If you are importing a collection of related XML Schema files and the Message Definition Editor cannot resolve the links between two of the imported files, messages appear in the task list to say that referenced types or other objects cannot be found. If this occurs, refer to Resolving problems when developing message models for more information.