Configuring JBoss agent in domain mode

To monitor JBoss servers in domain mode with JBoss agent, follow the steps:

About this task


  1. Install JBoss agent on each computer that contains JBoss servers you want to monitor.
  2. Add the following line to the domain.xml file under all socket profiles used by the JBoss servers that you want to monitor.
    Note: The following lines might occur multiple times (once per socket profile).
    Note: Server socket profiles are set in the host XML files. The default host XML file is host.xml in the configuration directory, but can be overridden with the --host-config option when you run the JBoss domain executable file. Make sure to edit the correct files for your system.
  3. Update the host XML file for each JBoss host to set its IP address. Do not use loopback address, such as and local host.
    Note: If you edit the IP address of your domain controller, ensure that the host configurations are modified to use the updated domain controller IP address.
  4. Configure the JBoss agent on each computer containing JBoss servers you wish to monitor. For more information, see Configuring the agent by responding to prompts and Configuring the agent on Windows systems.
  5. Start the JBoss agent by running the command:
    install_dir/bin/ start instance_name
  6. Verify the monitored JBoss servers are displayed on Cloud APM console correctly.