Importing Cloud Pak accelerator bundles

Steps to import and work with Cloud Pak® accelerator bundles.

About the task

Use this procedure only if you are using a Cloud Pak® accelerator version that is supported by IBM Cloud Pak® System V2.3.3.0 or higher.

Before you begin

To import an Cloud Pak accelerator bundle, ensure that the following criteria is met:


There are two ways to import a Cloud Pak accelerator bundle:

  • If you have not imported OpenShift Container Platform artifacts to IBM Cloud Pak System, then use Method 1.
  • If you have already imported OpenShift Container Platform artifacts to IBM Cloud Pak System, then use Method 2.

Method 1:

  1. Download the Cloud Pak accelerator bundle to your local system or to a virtual machine that can connect to the system.

    Note: Go to IBM Fix Central External link icon and search for the appropriate version of Cloud Pak accelerator by using the name of the bundle.

  2. Go to the directory where OpenShift Container Platform accelerator bundle is unpacked.

  3. Run cloudpakimport with the following options:

    cd /path/to/byol_openshift -h <cps-host> -u <user> -p <password>  -b </path/to/cloudpak-accelerator-bundle>

Method 2:

  1. Download the Cloud Pak accelerator bundle to your local system or to a virtual machine that can connect to the system.

    Note: Go to IBM Fix Central External link icon and search for the appropriate version of Cloud Pak accelerator by using the name of the bundle.

  2. Unpack the Cloud Pak accelerator bundle.

  3. Run with the following options: -h <cps-host> -u <user> -p <password> 

Notes: The following points are applicable for both Method 1 and Method 2:

  • If you want to know more information about the options, run --help.
  • By default, IBM Cloud Pak System uploads mandatory files to storehouse at /admin/files/<CloudPakName>.
  • By default, only minimal files that are needed to deploy the Cloud Pak gets uploaded to the storehouse. To download all files for a Cloud Pak, use --full-upload.
    • Imports and clones virtual images.
    • Imports ptype.