Kaplan-Meier Save New Variables

You can save information from your Kaplan-Meier table as new variables, which can then be used in subsequent analyses to test hypotheses or check assumptions. You can save survival, standard error of survival, hazard, and cumulative events as new variables.

  • Survival. Cumulative survival probability estimate. The default variable name is the prefix sur_ with a sequential number appended to it. For example, if sur_1 already exists, Kaplan-Meier assigns the variable name sur_2.
  • Standard error of survival. Standard error of the cumulative survival estimate. The default variable name is the prefix se_ with a sequential number appended to it. For example, if se_1 already exists, Kaplan-Meier assigns the variable name se_2.
  • Hazard. Cumulative hazard function estimate. The default variable name is the prefix haz_ with a sequential number appended to it. For example, if haz_1 already exists, Kaplan-Meier assigns the variable name haz_2.
  • Cumulative events. Cumulative frequency of events when cases are sorted by their survival times and status codes. The default variable name is the prefix cum_ with a sequential number appended to it. For example, if cum_1 already exists, Kaplan-Meier assigns the variable name cum_2.

Saving New Variables

This feature requires the Advanced Statistics option.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Survival > Kaplan-Meier…

  2. In the Kaplan-Meier dialog box, click Save.