Kaplan-Meier Options

You can request various output types from Kaplan-Meier analysis.

Statistics. You can select statistics displayed for the survival functions computed, including survival table(s), mean and median survival, and quartiles. If you have included factor variables, separate statistics are generated for each group.

Plots. Plots allow you to examine the survival, one-minus-survival, hazard, and log-survival functions visually. If you have included factor variables, functions are plotted for each group.

  • Survival. Displays the cumulative survival function on a linear scale.
  • One minus survival. Plots one-minus the survival function on a linear scale.
  • Hazard. Displays the cumulative hazard function on a linear scale.
  • Log survival. Displays the cumulative survival function on a logarithmic scale.

Specifying Options

This feature requires the Advanced Statistics option.

  1. From the menus choose:

    Analyze > Survival > Kaplan-Meier…

  2. In the Kaplan-Meier dialog box, click Options.