Checking Vehicle Type

Examining the feature space is instructive, but adding Vehicle type [type] as a target allows you to get a better idea of how well the prototypes fit into their car/truck categories. Additionally, adding a target allows the procedure to automatically select the "best" number of nearest neighbors, and to weight the distances by variable importance.

  1. Recall the Nearest Neighbor Analysis dialog and click the Variables tab.
    Figure 1. Variables Tab
    Nearest Neighbor dialog, Variables tab with Vehicle type selected as the target
  2. Select Vehicle type [type] as the target.
  3. Click the Neighbors tab.
  4. Select Automatically select k and type 9 as the maximum.
  5. Select Weight features by importance when computing distances.
  6. Click the Partitions tab.

    Note that the Cross-Validation Folds group is now enabled. In order to reproduce the following results exactly, set the seed for the random number generator.

  7. Select Set seed for Mersenne Twister.
  8. Type 20040509 as the value of the seed.
  9. Click OK.
