$D PROCLIB(xxxxxxxx) - Display a PROCLIB concatenation


To display PROCLIB concatenations. $D PROCLIB(xxxxxxxx) displays dynamic PROCLIBs and PROCLIBs defined in the JES2 start PROC.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram$DPROClib 'proclib'(,proclib'proclib'*-proclib-'proclib'-*) SLKDLK
Display limiting keywords (DLK)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,CREATED,STATIC,DDnn-mm*(,nn*-mm*)=( ,DSNameFAILTXTUNITVOLser),DDNAME,DEBUG,USEcount
Selection limiting keywords (SLK)
Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram,/DDnn-mm*(,nn*-mm*),=( ,/DSName=¬=><dsname/UNIT=¬=><unit/VOLser=¬=><volser),DDNAME=¬=><ddname,USEcount=¬=><count,STATIC=YESNO


Specifies the 1- to 8- character PROCLIB DD name being displayed. You can also specify wild cards on this parameter. See Using wildcards for additional information.
Displays the time the PROCLIB concatenation was created. For PROCLIBs in the JES2 start PROC, this displays the approximate time that JES2 started.
Can be used to select which PROCLIB concatenation to display.
Displays the real DD name that is associated with this PROCLIB concatenation.
Displays additional information about PROCLIB concatenations including concatenation that have been logically deleted.
Note: Because DEBUG automatically triggers a "long" display, you cannot add additional display-limiting parameters on this command; however, you can add selection-limiting parameters.
Specifies a 1-44 character data set name which is in a PROCLIB concatenation. You can also specify wild cards on this parameter. See Using wildcards for additional information.
Specifies whether or not PROCLIB concatenations in the JES2 start PROC are displayed or not. Concatenations in the JES2 start PROC are considered to be STATIC=YES.
Specifies unit information for the PROCLIB concatenations to be displayed. The data set must be specified in one of the following ways:
hhhh | /hhhh
specifies a 3 or 4 digit hexadecimal device number. Device numbers can be specified by any of the following formats:
  • UNIT=hhh
  • UNIT=/hhh
  • UNIT=/hhhh
where hhh and hhhh represent the device numbers. A slash (/) must precede a 4 digit device number.
Specifies a device name.
Specifies a 1 to 8 character group name assigned to the device or group of devices.
Displays the current use count for a PROCLIB concatenation. A PROCLIB is considered in use if a conversion processor currently has the data set open.
Specifies a 1 to 6 character volume serial number for the PROCLIBs to be displayed.

Authority Required

This command requires display authority. The description of the $T RDRnn command explains how to ensure that the authority of the appropriate MVS™ system command group is assigned.

This command requires read security access authority. For a description of assigning command input authority, see z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide.


Single member. The response to this command will be a display of information about this member only.

You may want to use this command to get information about all members in the MAS. To do so, you can use the MVS ROUTE *ALL command to issue this command to all active members (if the JES2 command character is the same on all members). See z/OS MVS System Commands for more information on using the ROUTE *ALL command.


$HASP319 displays the current PROCLIB concatenation.

$HASP003 RC=52 indicates that no PROCLIBs exist matching the filters specified.


$HASP319                    DD(2)=(DSNAME=TEST.PROCLIB)

Display all dynamic PROCLIBs

$HASP319                    DDNAME=SYS00025,             
$HASP319                    CREATED=2001.157,16:32:58.78,
$HASP319                    DD(1)=(DSNAME=SYS1.PROCLIB)  
$HASP319                    CREATED=2001.157,16:34:03.67,
$HASP319                    DD(1)=(DSNAME=SYS1.PROCLIB), 
$HASP319                    DD(2)=(DSNAME=TEST.PROCLIB)

Display debugging information for dynamic PROCLIB concatenations