Abstract for JES2 Initialization and Tuning Guide

This information supports z/OS® (5650-ZOS).

Purpose of this information

This information describes the general functions of JES2 and provides information describing JES2 initialization, JES2 processing, network job entry (NJE), remote job entry (RJE) for JES2, and factors affecting performance.

This information provides the information that you need to:
  • Initialize JES2
  • Tune JES2

This information is for installations running the JES2 element of z/OS. z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Reference, describes JES2 initialization statements and their parameters and provides summary charts that highlight details of the statements.

Who should read this information

This information is intended for JES2 system programmers or for anyone responsible for initializing or tuning JES2. Installation procedures are release specific; therefore, they are provided in the Program Directory distributed with a specific product.

How to use this information

Use this information in conjunction with z/OS JES2 Initialization and Tuning Reference.

3800 printer

Unless specifically noted, all references to 3800 printers see the 3800-1, 3800-3, 3800-6 (that is, the 3800 models 1, 3, and 6).