
Shuts down a secure socket connection.


    #include <gskssl.h>

     gsk_status gsk_secure_socket_shutdown (    
                                             gsk_handle     soc_handle)


Specifies the connection handle returned by the gsk_secure_socket_open() routine.


The function return value will be 0 (GSK_OK) if no error is detected. Otherwise, it will be one of the return codes listed in the gskssl.h include file. These are some possible errors:
The connection has an active write request.
The close notification alert has already been sent.
I/O error communicating with peer application.
The session is not using the SSL V3, TLS V1.0, or higher protocol.
Socket connection closed by peer application.
The connection handle is not valid.
The connection is not in the initialized state.
An attempt to write pending data failed with EWOULDBLOCK.


The gsk_secure_socket_shutdown() routine will send a close notification alert to the peer application. Any subsequent calls to the gsk_secure_socket_write() routine will return GSK_ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED. The gsk_secure_socket_shutdown() routine cannot be used with the SSL V2 protocol.

The application should call gsk_secure_socket_shutdown() before calling gsk_secure_socket_close() in order to comply with the SSL V3, TLS V1.0, or higher specifications, which require that a close notification alert be sent before closing the transport connection.

For a 1-step shutdown, the application should call the gsk_secure_socket_shutdown() routine and then call the gsk_secure_socket_close() routine. This sends the close notification alert and then closes the secure socket connection. The application does not wait for acknowledgement from the peer application to the close notification.

For a 2-step shutdown, the application should call the gsk_secure_socket_shutdown() routine to send the close notification alert and then call the gsk_secure_socket_read() routine to process any pending data sent by the peer application. The SSL run time on the peer system will send a close notification alert when it receives the close notification alert from the local system. The gsk_secure_socket_read() routine will return GSK_ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED when it receives this close notification. The application should then call the gsk_secure_socket_close() routine to close the secure socket connection.

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