
Closes a secure socket connection.


   #include <gskssl.h>

   gsk_status gsk_secure_socket_close (
                                        gsk_handle *     soc_handle)


Specifies the connection handle returned by the gsk_secure_socket_open() routine. The connection handle will be set to NULL upon completion.


The function return value will be 0 (GSK_OK) if no error is detected. Otherwise, it will be one of the return codes listed in the gskssl.h include file. These are some possible errors:
The connection has an active read or write request.
The connection handle is not valid.
An attempt to write pending data failed with EWOULDBLOCK.


The gsk_secure_socket_close() routine closes a secure socket connection created by the gsk_secure_socket_open() routine. The socket itself is not closed (the application is responsible for closing the socket). The connection can no longer be used for secure communications after calling the gsk_secure_socket_close() routine.

The gsk_secure_socket_close() routine can return GSK_WOULD_BLOCK_WRITE if the socket is in non-blocking mode and there is pending write data. The connection is not closed in this case and the application should call gsk_secure_socket_close() again when the socket is ready to accept a write request.

Be sure gsk_secure_socket_shutdown() call is issued before a gsk_secure_socket_close() call.

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