
Returns the available SSL cipher suites.


   #include <gskssl.h>

   void gsk_get_cipher_suites (   
                                gsk_cipher_suites *         cipher_suites)


Returns the runtime version, release, security level, and cipher suites.


The gsk_get_cipher_suites() routine returns the System SSL runtime version, release, security level, and available default cipher suites.

See Table 1 for the version and release identifiers that represent the level of the System SSL runtime. The release value is the release for that version. The current System SSL runtime is Version 4 Release 3.
Table 1. Version and release
Version Release
1 OS/390 Version 1
2 OS/390 Version 2
3 z/OS Version 1
4 z/OS Version 2

The security level equates to the GSK_SECURITY_LEVEL and determines whether strong cryptographic ciphers are supported. When set to GSK_SECURITY_LEVEL_EXPORT (1001), ciphers 56-bits and weaker are available. When set to GSK_SECURITY_LEVEL_US (1000), any strength cipher is available. See Cipher suite definitions for more information about supported ciphers.

The cipher suites are static null-terminated character strings which must not be modified or freed by the application. The cipher lists include the available default ciphers for the returned security level.

If executing in FIPS mode, the cipher suites are those that meet FIPS 140-2 criteria. For more information about the FIPS cipher suites, see gsk_environment_open().