Making disaster backup copies of DFSMShsm-owned tape volumes

The ABACKUP and ARECOVER functions described in Aggregate backup and recovery support (ABARS) provide comprehensive recovery of your data in case of a disaster.

However, you also need protection against damage or loss of your backup and ML2 tape volumes. DFSMShsm allows you to make copies of your backup and ML2, single-file-format tape volumes for storage at a site different from the computer site or for use at the computer site to recover lost or damaged tape volumes.

In addition to considering tape-capacity usage, you should consider the tape-related implications of disaster backup described below, in deciding whether you want to handle partially full tapes by SETSYS PARTIALTAPE(MARKFULL) or SETSYS PARTIALTAPE(REUSE).

Related reading

For more information about the SETSYS command, see SETSYS command: Establishing or changing the values of DFSMShsm control parameters.