z/OS Infoprint Server User's Guide
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Transforming output data

z/OS Infoprint Server User's Guide

Transforming output data

Infoprint Server works with several separate transform products. For information about the transform products that work with Infoprint Server, see z/OS Infoprint Server Introduction.

Infoprint Server can transform data created by a batch application from one format to another before the data is printed or sent to an email destination. Infoprint Server provides these methods that you can use to transform and print output data sets:

  • Print Interface subsystem: The Print Interface subsystem can transform data before writing it to an output data set on the JES spool. IP PrintWay™ or PSF can then print the data, or IP PrintWay can send it to an email destination. To use the Print Interface subsystem, you specify the SUBSYS parameter on the DD JCL statement for the output data set.
  • IP PrintWay extended mode: IP PrintWay extended mode can transform data in an output data set before it prints the data or sends it to an email destination.
  • IP PrintWay basic mode: IP PrintWay basic mode can send data in an output data set to Print Interface. Print Interface can transform the data and write the transformed data to a new output data set on the JES spool. IP PrintWay then can print the data or send it to an email destination. Your administrator must select the resubmit for filtering function in the printer definition.

Table 4 compares the advantages and limitations of these transform methods.

Table 4. Comparison of transform methods
Print Interface subsystem
  • You can use standard DD and OUTPUT JCL statements with minimal JCL changes.
  • You can specify Infoprint Server job attributes.
  • The data set can be printed on any printer or sent to an email destination.
  • Only one OUTPUT JCL statement for each data set is supported.
  • DEST, HOLD, MODIFY, SEGMENT, and SYSOUT parameters on the DD JCL statement are not supported.
  • JES output grouping is not supported.
IP PrintWay extended mode
  • You can use standard DD and OUTPUT JCL statements with no JCL changes (in most cases).
  • You can specify Infoprint Server job attributes.
  • The data set can be sent only to a printer or email destination that IP PrintWay extended mode controls.
IP PrintWay basic mode (resubmit for filtering function)
  • You can use standard DD and OUTPUT JCL statements with no JCL changes (in most cases).
  • The data set can be sent only to a printer or email destination that IP PrintWay basic mode controls.
  • Less efficient than the subsystem because data is written to the JES spool twice.
  • DEST=IP:, PRTQUEUE, and PORTNO parameters on the OUTPUT JCL statement are not supported.
  • JES output grouping is not supported.
  • All AFP user libraries must have universal read access, or the administrator must set the AOPRESUBMITUSER environment variable (not suggested). For more information, see the USERLIB parameter.

You can also use these methods to transform and print existing data sets:

  • AOPPRINT JCL procedure: The AOPPRINT JCL procedure uses Print Interface to transform data in an existing MVS™ data set or UNIX file and to write the transformed data to an output data set on the JES spool. The output data set on the JES spool can be printed on any printer or sent to an email destination. For more information, see Printing using the AOPPRINT JCL procedure.
  • Transform commands: The z/OS® UNIX transform commands, which you can run using the AOPBATCH program, transform data in existing MVS data sets or UNIX files. The transform commands write the transformed output to an MVS data set or UNIX file but do not write the data set to an output data set on the JES spool for printing. For more information, see Transforming data with the AOPBATCH program.

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