z/OS Infoprint Server Printer Inventory for PSF
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AOPSTART JCL procedure

z/OS Infoprint Server Printer Inventory for PSF

AOPSTART JCL procedure

The AOPSTART JCL procedure invokes the aopstart command to start Infoprint Server. AOPSTART is shipped in SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB. However, during install it might have been copied to another data set in the PROCLIB concatenation.

Figure 2 shows the AOPSTART procedure that Infoprint Server provides in SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB.

Figure 2. AOPSTART startup procedure — SYS1.IBM.PROCLIB(AOPSTART)
//*  AOPSTART - This procedure starts the Infoprint Server daemons.
//*             The USERID assigned to this proc must be a member of
//*             the AOPOPER group.
//*  AOPBATCH PARM specifies the path of the program to be run.
//*  If Infoprint Server was not installed in /usr/lpp/Printsrv,
//*  then this path must be changed as required for the installation
//*  directory.
//AOPSTART EXEC PGM=AOPBATCH,PARM='//usr/lpp/Printsrv/bin/aopstart',
//        REGION=512M,
//        TIME=NOLIMIT
//*  STDENV is optionally used to specify environment variables.
//*  A Unix System Services file can be specified, for example:
//*    //STDENV  DD  PATH='/etc/Printsrv/env.conf',PATHOPTS=ORDONLY
//*  or an MVS data set, for example:
//*    //STDENV  DD  DISP=SHR,DSN=hlq.stdenv
//*  This file or data set should contain VARIABLE=VALUE pairs
//*  starting in column 1, for example:

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