z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration
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Selecting the email protocol

z/OS Infoprint Server Operation and Administration

Selecting the email protocol

In an IP PrintWay™ printer definition, you can select the transmission protocol that IP PrintWay uses to transmit output data sets from the JES spool to the printer, print server, or email destination. IP PrintWay supports these transmission protocols: LPR, direct sockets, IPP, VTAM®, and email.

Select the IP PrintWay email protocol if you want IP PrintWay to transmit data sets to one or more email addresses over the Internet using the z/OS UNIX sendmail function that z/OS Communications Server provides.

IP PrintWay transmits emails to the email addresses that you specify in the printer definition. Some job submitters can override the email addresses during job submission. You can set up just one printer definition for the email protocol because the job submitter can specify the email addresses. You must specify a default email address in this printer definition.

IP PrintWay provides these functions when you select the email protocol:

  • IP PrintWay can send an output data set to one or more primary and secondary email addresses at the same time.
  • You can specify email addresses or the name of an alias that is defined to sendmail. Sendmail expands alias names into one or more real email addresses. For information about how to define aliases, see Defining aliases to z/OS UNIX sendmail.
  • You can specify the email address or alias name that recipients of the email can reply to.
  • IP PrintWay basic mode sends all documents as email attachments. IP PrintWay extended mode can include text and line-data documents inline in the body of an email. To request this function, select the Inline text and line data field in the printer definition.
  • IP PrintWay can send data sets that are in the same JES output group in the same email. To request this function, select the Concatenate job option in the Dataset grouping field or the Automatic dataset grouping (extended mode) field.
  • IP PrintWay can transform the input data from one format to another before creating the attachment. For example, if your installation has installed an AFP to PDF transform, you can transform line-data or AFP data to PDF format. For information about how to request a transform, see Planning printer definitions for transforms.
  • Depending on the method used to submit jobs, some job submitters can customize the subject of the email. For those situations in which the job submitter cannot specify a subject, you can specify a default subject line in the printer definition. For example, when you print VTAM application data (such as CICS® data) through NetSpool, the job submitter cannot customize the subject line unless the VTAM application embeds the title-text job attribute in the print data.
  • When you print VTAM application data (such as CICS data) through NetSpool, you can print data and also send it to a set of email addresses at the same time. To do this, create a printer pool definition and in the pool definition list the printer definition that specifies the email addresses and also the printer definition for the printer itself. For more information, see Broadcasting data using multiple printer definitions.
  • IP PrintWay extended mode can send emails to the recipients specified in an email header in line-data documents. To select this function, select the Embedded headers field. For the format of the email header, see z/OS Infoprint Server User’s Guide.
  • IP PrintWay extended mode can include a message in the beginning of emails. To select this function, specify the Inline message field.

Table 21 shows how IP PrintWay constructs an email.

Table 21. Fields in an email
For this email field:IP PrintWay uses this value:For example:
Date and timeCurrent® date and time12/22/2004 12:00:00 AM
Primary recipientsEmail addresses and sendmail alias names specified in the:
  1. To field in the email header in a line-data document (extended mode only)
  2. XTPIPADR field of the IP PrintWay Routing exit
  3. MAILTO JCL parameter or mail-to-addresses job attribute
  4. To addresses field in printer definition
To: toname@xyz.com, dept01list
“Blind copy (bcc)” recipientsEmail addresses and sendmail alias names specified in the:
  1. Bcc field in the email header in a line-data document (extended mode only)
  2. MAILBCC JCL parameter or mail-bcc-addresses job attribute
  3. BCC addresses field in printer definition
bcc: bccname@xyz.com,
“Copy (cc)” recipientsEmail addresses and sendmail alias names specified in the:
  1. Cc field in the email header in a line-data document (extended mode only)
  2. MAILCC JCL parameter or mail-cc-addresses job attribute
  3. CC addresses field in printer definition
cc: copyname@xyz.com,
SenderUser ID of job creator@domain of z/OS system. For print requests processed by NetSpool, the user ID can be specified in the owner job attribute or in the Default owner field of the printer definition.

Also, an optional descriptive name specified in the:

  1. From field in the email header in a line-data document (extended mode only)
  2. MAILFROM JCL parameter or mail-from-name job attribute
  3. From name field in printer definition
From: John Q. Sender
Reply addressEmail address specified in the:
  1. Reply-to field in the email header in a line-data document (extended mode only)
  2. REPLYTO JCL parameter or mail-reply-address job attribute
  3. Reply address field in printer definition
Reply To: myname@xyz.com
SubjectText specified in the:
  1. Subject field in the email header in a line-data document (extended mode only)
  2. TITLE JCL parameter, title-text job attribute, or TITLE parameter of the LPR command
  3. Title field in printer definition

If no title is specified, either the job name or the fully qualified data set name is used. (See Note 1 below.)

Subject: Annual Report for XYZ Corporation
Name of attachment
  1. Text specified in the MAILFILE JCL parameter or mail-file-name job attribute
  2. If Print Interface processes the print request, the text specified in the sysout-dataset-name job attribute, or the last 8 characters of the file name
  3. If NetSpool processes the print request, the text specified in the sysout-dataset-name job attribute, or the LU name of the VTAM application that submitted the print request (primary LU)
  4. If the print job is submitted with JCL, the last qualifier of the data set name on the JES spool, or the job name

IP PrintWay attaches a suffix to the file name that designates the document format. (See Note 2 below.)

February 2004 sales
report.txt, MYFILE.txt,


  1. In these situations, Infoprint Server generates the job name. In all other cases, the job name is the name of the batch job.
    • If NetSpool processes the print request, the job name is the name specified in the sysout-job-name job attribute, the owner name specified in the owner job attribute or in the printer definition, or the member name of the NetSpool startup procedure.
    • If Print Interface, except for the subsystem, processes the print request, the job name is the name specified in the sysout-job-name job attribute or the user ID of the person who submitted the print request.
  2. Considerations for the name of the file attachment:
    • A # in the file name means that the original file name contains a character that JES does not allow in a data set name. For example, if the original file name is myfile.print, this field contains le#print.
    • These suffixes designate the document format:
      Document format
      Advanced Function Presentation (also known as MO:DCA-P)
      Joint Photographic Experts Group file information format (JFIF)
      Hewlett Packard Printer Control Language
      Adobe Portable Document Format
      Adobe PostScript
      SAP R/3 Output Text Format (OTF) or ABAP
      Tagged image file format
      Unrecognized format
    • Tip: Table 22 shows the environment variables and configuration attributes that the administrator can set to control the suffixes that IP PrintWay appends to the file names. IP PrintWay extended mode uses configuration attributes instead of environment variables when dynamic configuration is enabled.
      Table 22. Environment variables and configuration attributes for email suffixes
      Environment variableConfiguration attributeMeaning
      AOP_MAIL_PRESERVE _ SUFFIXESmail-preserve-suffixesA list of suffixes that IP PrintWay preserves in file names specified in the MAILFILE JCL parameter or in the mail-file-name job attribute. If the file name ends with one of the suffixes in this list, IP PrintWay does not append another suffix to the file name.
      AOP_MAIL_DO_NOT_ ADD_SUFFIXmail-do-not-add-suffixesIndicates whether IP PrintWay appends a suffix to file names specified in the MAILFILE JCL parameter or the mail-file-name job attribute.
      For information about these environment variables and configuration attributes, see z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.
  3. IP PrintWay uses the values in a document email header only if the Embedded headers field is selected in the printer definition or the mail-embedded-headers job attribute is specified.


  • In some situations, the sender field of the email does not contain the email address of the individual who sent the email. Therefore, job submitters should specify the reply address in the mail-reply-address attribute. If job submitters cannot specify attributes, you can specify the reply address in the Reply address field in the printer definition.
  • In these cases, the recipient should not reply to the sender:
    • If NetSpool processed the print request and no owner is specified in either the owner job attribute or in the printer definition, the sender is the ID of the user who started the Infoprint Server daemons and the domain is the domain of the system on which sendmail is running.
    • If Print Interface processed the print request and the job was submitted from a remote system, the sender is the name of the user on the remote system. However, the domain name is the domain of the system on which sendmail is running, so in most cases, this would not be a valid z/OS® email address.
  • IP PrintWay cannot always determine whether an email was successfully sent to a recipient. This is because sendmail does not report an error to IP PrintWay when mail could not be delivered to an email address on a remote system. In this case, sendmail returns the undeliverable email to owner of the sendmail alias. If the email address is specified directly in the printer definition, or if no alias owner is defined, sendmail returns undeliverable email to the user ID associated with the IP PrintWay startup procedure (basic mode) or the ID of the user who started the Infoprint Server daemons. For more information about sendmail messages, see Viewing z/OS UNIX sendmail messages.
  • IP PrintWay ignores the number of requested copies and always sends only one data set to an email address.
  • IP PrintWay cannot add PostScript headers to data sets with line data. If you want to email line data as a PostScript document, use the AFP to PostScript transform to convert line data to PostScript format.

Related customization tasks: These IP PrintWay customization tasks are related to the email protocol. For information about how to do these tasks and other customization tasks related to the email protocol, see z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.

  • Configure the z/OS UNIX sendmail component of z/OS Communications Server.
  • If you did not install Infoprint Server files and z/OS UNIX sendmail in default directories, specify the directories in either the AOPMAILER environment variable or the mail-path-name configuration attribute. For information, see z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.
  • Customize the TCP/IP component of z/OS Communications Server.
  • When you specify a value in the Maximum document size field or select the Delete form feed option, IP PrintWay basic mode writes temporary files to hiperspace. If necessary, increase the amount of available hiperspace in the IP PrintWay FSS definition.

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