IBM Print Transforms from AFP for Infoprint Server for z/OS
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Specifying transform options

IBM Print Transforms from AFP for Infoprint Server for z/OS

Specifying transform options

You must create at least one transform entry in the Infoprint Server transform configuration file (aopxfd.conf) for the AFP to PCL transform. In the transform entry, you can specify:

  • Environment variables that control the transform
  • Attributes that control how the Infoprint Server Transform Manager manages the transform

For information about how to create and edit the Infoprint Server transform configuration file, see "Creating the transform configuration file (aopxfd.conf)" in z/OS Infoprint Server Customization. After you update the transform configuration file, you must restart the Infoprint Server Transform Manager.

After the Transform Manager starts, check for error messages in the transform's stderr file or in the Infoprint Server common message log if the common message log is enabled in Infoprint Server. If you find any error messages, fix the errors and restart the Transform Manager. For more information about how to find the transform message logs, see Finding the transform stderr file.

Transform classes

If you want to specify different transform options for different printers, you can create different classes of the AFP to PCL transform. For example, you could create classes for printers that print on different paper sizes.

For each transform class, you must create a separate transform entry. You select a name for the transform class in the transform entry (see the transform attribute).

To use a transform class, job submitters must specify the class name as an option (-c) on the afpxpcl transform command or in the filter-options job attribute, and administrators must specify the class name as a filter option (-c) in the printer definition. For example, these z/OS® UNIX commands use the "eu" transform class:

afpxpcl -c eu -o myfile.pcl myfile.afp
lp -d myprinter -o "filter-options='-c eu'" myfile.afp
The sample transform configuration file, /usr/lpp/Printsrv/samples/aopxfd.conf, shows examples of transform entries with different transform classes. Also, see Examples -- Transform configuration file entries for the AFP to PCL transform.

Default AFP resources

AFP resources are collections of data and control information that the transforms use to create PCL documents. You can specify default AFP resources (such as a default font, form definition, and page definition) in the transform configuration file and in printer definitions. AFP resources specified in a printer definition override default resources specified in the transform entry. If only a few printers use different default AFP resources, you might want to specify these default AFP resources in the printer definitions.

In most situations, you should specify the same default AFP resources that your AFP printers use. These default resources are specified either in the PSF startup procedures (in the PRINTDEV statements) or, if PSF is configured to obtain PRINTDEV values from the Printer Inventory, in the PSF FSA definitions in the Printer Inventory.

Use these environment variables to specify default AFP resources in the transform configuration file:

  • AOP_CHARS: The default font used for transform error messages and for line data and AFP data that does not specify another font.
  • AOP_FORMDEF: The default form definition used when no other form definition is specified.
  • AOP_PAGEDEF: The default page definition used when no other page definition is specified.
Search hierarchy for form definitions

The transform uses this hierarchy to select the name of the form definition:

  1. The form definition specified in the form-definition job attribute.
  2. The form definition specified in the FORMDEF JCL parameter.
  3. The form definition specified in the Form definition field in the printer definition.
  4. The first inline form definition.
  5. The form definition specified in the AOP_FORMDEF environment variable in the transform configuration file.
  6. Form definition F1CP0111. This default is coded in the transform.
  1. If form definition name dummy is specified, the transform uses the first inline form definition.
  2. After the transform determines the name of the form definition, the transform first searches for the form definition inline in the data set, and then searches in the user and system resource libraries.
Search hierarchy for page definitions

The transform uses this hierarchy to select the name of the page definition:

  1. The page definition specified in the page-definition job attribute or the PAGEDEF or FCB JCL parameter. (The PAGEDEF parameter overrides the FCB parameter and the page-definition job attribute overrides both.)
  2. The default page definition supplied by JES to IP PrintWay™ basic mode. (See Tips.)
  3. The page definition specified in the Page definition field in the printer definition.
  4. The first inline page definition.
  5. The page definition specified in the AOP_PAGEDEF environment variable in the transform configuration file.
  6. Page definition P1P08682. This default is coded in the transform.
  1. If page definition name dummy is specified, the transform uses the first inline page definition.
  2. After the transform determines the name of the page definition, the transform first searches for the page definition inline in the data set, and then searches in the user and system resource libraries.
  3. JES supplies a default page definition for batch jobs submitted to IP PrintWay basic mode with OUTPUT and DD JCL statements. If you want to use the default page definition specified in the transform configuration file, you can request that JES not supply a default page definition to the IP PrintWay basic mode FSA. For more information about the JES initialization parameters to do this, see z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.
Search hierarchy for the default font

The transform uses this hierarchy to select a font for line data and AFP data that does not specify a font:

  1. The font named in the page definition.
  2. The font specified in the chars job attribute or the CHARS or UCS JCL parameter. (The CHARS JCL parameter overrides the UCS parameter.)
  3. The default font supplied by JES to IP PrintWay basic mode. (See Tip.)
  4. The font specified in the Character set field in the printer definition.
  5. The font specified in the AOP_CHARS environment variable in the transform configuration file. The transform prefixes X0 to the font named in the variable if you do not specify a prefix.
  6. Font X060D9. This default is coded in the transform.
JES supplies a default font for jobs submitted to IP PrintWay basic mode with OUTPUT and DD JCL statements. If you want to use the default font specified in the transform configuration file, you can request that JES not supply a default font to the IP PrintWay basic mode FSA. For more information about the JES initialization parameters to do this, see z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.
Search hierarchy for the message font

The transform uses this hierarchy to select a font used for transform error messages:

  1. The font named in the page definition specified in the AOP_MSGPAGEDEF environment variable.
  2. The font specified in the AOP_CHARS environment variable in the transform configuration file. The transform prefixes X0 to the font named in the variable if you do not specify a prefix.
  3. Font X060D9. This default is coded in the transform.

AFP system resource libraries

In the transform entry, you can specify from 1 to 8 AFP system resource libraries for fonts, page definitions, form definitions, page segments, and overlays. You can specify from 1 to 8 AFP user resource libraries in printer definitions.

In most situations, you should specify the same AFP system resource libraries in the transform configuration file as you currently specify in your PSF startup procedures. If only a few printers require different resource libraries, you can specify those libraries in the printer definitions for the printers.

Use these environment variables to specify system resource libraries in the transform configuration file:

  • AOP_FONTLIB: The names of 1 to 8 system font libraries.
  • AOP_FORMDEFLIB: The names of 1 to 8 system form definition libraries.
  • AOP_OVERLAYLIB: The names of 1 to 8 system overlay libraries.
  • AOP_PAGEDEFLIB: The names of 1 to 8 system page definition libraries.
  • AOP_PAGESEGLIB: The names of 1 to 8 system page segment libraries.

AFP user resource libraries can be specified in job attributes, JCL parameters, environment variables, and in the printer definition.

The transforms use this hierarchy when searching AFP resource libraries:

  1. User resource libraries specified in the resource-library job attribute or USERLIB JCL parameter.
  2. Default user resource libraries specified in the Resource library field in the printer definition. These libraries are searched only when the job submitter does not specify any user resource libraries (see step 1).
  3. System resource libraries specified in environment variables in the transform configuration file.
  4. Default system resource libraries that are hard-coded in the transform. These libraries are searched only if no system resource libraries are specified in the transform configuration file (see step 3).

AFP system resource directories

In the transform entry, you can specify from one to eight UNIX file resource path directories that contain TrueType, OpenType, and WorldType fonts. The directory path can be up to 255 characters. The fonts must be installed in each directory with a resource installer that builds a resource access table (RAT) to describe the fonts in that directory. You can also specify the resource directories in printer definitions.

In most situations, you should specify the same AFP resource directories in the transform configuration file as you currently specify in your PSF startup procedures. If only a few printers require different resource directories, you can specify those directories in the printer definitions for the printers.

Use the AOP_FONTPATH environment variable to specify the resource directories in the transform configuration file.

AFP user resource directories can be specified in job attributes, JCL parameters, environment variables, and in the printer definition.

The transform uses this hierarchy when searching AFP resource directories:

  1. User resource directories specified in the resource-directories job attribute or USERPATH JCL parameter.
  2. Default user resource directories specified in the Resource directories field in the printer definition. These directories are searched only when the job submitter does not specify any user resource directories (see step 1).
  3. Resource directories specified in the AOP_FONTPATH environment variable in the transform configuration file.
  4. Default resource directory that is hard-coded in the transform (/usr/lpp/fonts/worldtype/V8.0). This directory is searched only if no resource directories are specified in the transform configuration file (see step 3).

Format of an AFP to PCL transform entry

The format of an AFP to PCL transform entry in the transform configuration file (aopxfd.conf) is:

transform afpxpcl[_transformclass]
    start-command = afpxpcld
    [ environment = {name –> value [ name –> value]... } ]
    [ maximum-active = number ]
    [ maximum-idle-time = seconds ]
    [ minimum-active = number ]

transform afpxpcl[_transformclass]
This statement indicates the beginning of a transform entry.
The name of the transform.
The name of an optional transform class. Specify from 1 to 55 characters, including letters, numbers, or special characters. The name of the transform class is case-sensitive.
No transform class.
transform afpxpcl_us
start-command = afpxpcld
The name of the transform daemon. If the transform daemon is not in a directory identified in the PATH environment variable specified in the aopstart EXEC, specify the full directory path name of the daemon. (The afpxpcld daemon is installed in /usr/lpp/Printsrv/bin.) This attribute is required.
environment = {name –> value [name –> value]... }
Environment variables that specify transform options. Enclose the entire set of environment variables in braces. The values in these environment variables override environment variables with the same name that are set in the aopstart EXEC. If a value contains special characters or spaces, enclose the value in single or double quotation marks.

For information about the environment variables you can specify, see Environment variables for the AFP to PCL transform.

environment={AOP_FORMDEF -> F1CP0111}
maximum-active = number
The maximum number of transform daemons that the Transform Manager activates concurrently. Specify a number greater than 0 and greater than or equal to the number specified in the minimum-active attribute. For more information, see "Format of a transform entry" in z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.
No maximum number. Transform daemons are started when needed.
maximum-idle-time = seconds
The number of seconds before the Transform Manager shuts down an idle transform daemon and system resources are freed. Specify a number greater than 0. For more information, see "Format of a transform entry" in z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.
Idle transform daemons are not shut down.
minimum-active = number
The minimum number of transform daemons that the Transform Manager activates concurrently. Specify a number less than or equal to the number specified in the maximum-active attribute. For more information, see "Format of a transform entry" in z/OS Infoprint Server Customization.
minimum-active = 0

Environment variables for the AFP to PCL transform

You can specify environment variables to:

  • Specify default AFP resources, such as the default form definition and page definition.
  • Specify AFP system resource libraries.
  • Select transform functions, such as whether to create color output.
  • Name the paper sizes in AFP input trays, and map AFP input tray IDs to PCL input trays.

You can optionally specify these environment variables:

There are two underscores at the beginning of this environment variable.

Indicates whether the transform front-end dll code is traced.

The front-end dll code is responsible for parsing environment variables and options. No other options are needed for this trace.

This trace includes information about the transform configuration and job data that is processed and errors that occur.

The output for this trace is always directed to the transform stderr file and cannot be redirected. For more information about the stderr file, see Finding the transform stderr file.

Valid values are:

The transform front-end dll code is traced.
The transform front-end dll code is not traced.
environment={ __AOPXFORM_DAEMON_DEBUG -> yes}
For another method to trace front-end dll code, see Trace options.
The job name for this transform. When you assign a different job name to each class of transform, the operator can manage the transform daemons more effectively. Specify a job name of 1 to 8 alphanumeric characters. Incorrect job names are ignored. For more information about the _BPX_JOBNAME variable, see z/OS UNIX System Services Planning.
The job name is AOPXFD.
environment={_BPX_JOBNAME -> afpxpcld}

Indicates whether all G4 MMR (Modified Modified READ (ITU-TSS T.6 Group 4 two-dimensional coding standard for facsimile)) images are unpadded RIDIC. In some IOCA images the RECID incorrectly states that the encoding is RIDIC when it is actually unpadded RIDIC. If the RECID for the G4 MMR image specifies RIDIC, but the width of the image is not padded with zeros, set AOP_ASSUME_RIDIC_UNPAD-> yes.

Valid values are:

Ignore the G4 MMR RECID setting and process all G4 MMR images as unpadded.
Decode G4 MMR images as specified in the RECID.
environment={AOP_ASSUME_RIDIC_UNPAD -> yes}
The default coded font. The transform uses this font to format error messages unless the page definition specified in the AOP_MSGPAGEDEF variable names a font. The transforms also use this font for (1) line data when no other font is specified in the page definition used to print the document and (2) AFP data when no other font is specified in the AFP data stream.

Specify the 1 to 4 character coded font name. You can specify the X0 or XZ prefix of the coded font name. If you do not specify a prefix, the transform adds an X0 prefix. Some coded fonts have 6-character names, not counting the X0 or XZ prefix. For these fonts, use the 4-character alternate coded font name. For font names and alternate font names, see , .

  1. Specify only one default coded font in this environment variable.
  2. The font you specify, or default font X060D9, must exist in one of the AFP font libraries so that the transform can write error messages in the output.
  3. The code page associated with this coded font must be an EBCDIC code page.
You might want to specify the same font as the resident font in the AFP printer to which output is typically printed.
AOP_CHARS –> 60d9 (This is font X060D9 because the transform adds prefix X0.)
environment={AOP_CHARS –> 60d8}
Indicates whether the transform is to produce color output. The transform supports the MO:DCA OCA color commands. Specify yes if the printer supports color. Valid values are:
The transform produces color output.
The transform does color simulation.
environment={AOP_COLOR –> yes}
Indicates whether the transform is to prepare the output for printing on a cutsheet printer. Valid values are:
The output is to be printed on a cutsheet printer. Therefore, the transform uses the cutsheet and N_UP specifications in the form definition to determine whether to send medium orientation information to the printer. For more information, see the description of the CUTSHEET and N_UP commands in Page Printer Formatting Aid: User’s Guide.
Select this option if your output is incorrectly printing in the down direction on a cutsheet printer.
The output is not to be printed on a cutsheet printer. Therefore, the transform always sends medium orientation information to the printer.

Table 9 shows how the value of the AOP_CUTSHEET environment variable and values set in the form definition determine the orientation of the output. The shaded row is the only scenario where the orientation specified in the form definition results in a different output orientation.

Table 9. Output orientation based on AOP_CUTSHEET and form definition values N/A indicates that the value has no impact on the output orientation.
AOP_CUTSHEET valueForm definition valuesOutput orientation
YesLandscapeN/A> 0Landscape
YesPortraitN/A> 0Portrait
environment={AOP_CUTSHEET –> yes}

Indicates whether the transform adjusts the x,y left edge offset starting position to allow for printers that are configured for edge-to-edge printing.

Valid values are:

The AOP_PAPER values will be sent to the printer and adjusted for edge-to-edge printing.
No adjustement is made.
environment={AOP_EDGETOEDGE –> yes}
Specifies whether the transform stops processing when a warning or data stream error occurs during the transform. Warnings can indicate degraded output.

Valid values are:

The transform fails when a data stream error occurs and does not create an output document. However, the transform continues if warnings occur. This is the default.
The transform attempts to continue processing and create an output document when a warning or data stream error occurs.
The transform fails when a warning or data stream error occurs and does not create an output document.
  1. The fail-on-transform-error job attribute and the Fail on error field in the printer definition override this value.
  2. You can specify the value using lowercase or uppercase letters (for example, no or NO).
  3. You can use the Infoprint Server ISPF panels to set the Fail on error field in the Processing section of a printer definition.
environment={AOP_FAIL_ON_ERROR -> no}

Indicates whether the transform continues to process the document when the transform cannot decode an IOCA image because of certain compression padding errors. Some compression algorithms cause unpadded RIDIC images to be read as padded RIDIC by the transform.

Valid values are:

If the transform cannot decode an IOCA image, it issues a message and stops processing the document.
If the transform cannot decode an IOCA image, it issues a message, stops processing the image, and continues with the next MO:DCA statement.
If the transform cannot decode a G4 MMR (Modified Modified READ (ITU-TSS T.6 Group 4 two-dimensional coding standard for facsimile)) image, it proceeds one of two ways:
  • If the RECID indicates RIDIC and the transform fails to decode it as RIDIC, it tries to decode it again as unpadded RIDIC.
  • If the RECID indicates unpadded RIDIC, and the transform fails to decode the image that way, it tries to decode it again as RIDIC.
If the transform still cannot decode the G4 MMR image, or if the image is not a G4 MMR image, the transform issues an error message, stops processing the image, and continues with the next MO:DCA statement.
If the transform cannot decode a G4 MMR (Modified Modified READ (ITU-TSS T.6 Group 4 two-dimensional coding standard for facsimile)) image, it proceeds one of two ways:
  • If the RECID indicates RIDIC and the transform fails to decode it as RIDIC, it tries to decode it again as unpadded RIDIC.
  • If the RECID indicates unpadded RIDIC, and the transform fails to decode the image that way, it tries to decode it again as RIDIC.
If the transform still cannot decode the G4 MMR image, or if the image is not a G4 MMR image, the transform issues a message and stops processing the document.
environment={AOP_FAIL_ON_IMAGE_ERROR –> no}
The AFP system resource libraries that contain fonts. Specify 1 to 8 data set names. Separate each name with a space. Libraries are searched in the order listed.

Specify the AFP 240-pel or 300-pel raster and outline font libraries used by your installation:

  • Specify AFP 240-pel or 300-pel raster font libraries because the AFP to PCL transform requires raster fonts.
  • Specify AFP outline font libraries if data to be transformed refers to outline fonts.
AOP_FONTLIB –> "sys1.font300 sys1.fontoln"
  1. environment={AOP_FONTLIB –> "sys1.font300"}
  2. The backslash in this example indicates that the text within the quotation marks continues on the next line:
    environment={AOP_FONTLIB –> "sys1.font300 \
      sys1.fontoln inst.font300"}
The full path name of a UNIX file that contains a font-mapping table.
Using a font-mapping table is not recommended because the PCL transform always includes raster fonts in the output document.
No file path.
environment={AOP_FONTMAP_TABLE -> "/usr/lpp/Printsrv/samples/aokfontmap.samp"}
The directories that contain TrueType, OpenType, and WorldType fonts that the transform uses to process data sets. The directory path can be up to 255 characters and you can specify from one to eight UNIX file resource path directories. The transform searches for fonts in the directories in the order they are specified. The fonts must be installed in each directory with a resource installer that builds a resource access table (RAT) to describe the fonts in that directory. To find out how to install fonts, see Using TrueType, OpenType, and WoldType fonts.
AOP_FONTPATH -> "/usr/lpp/fonts/worldtype/v8.0"
  1. Single directory specified:
    environment={AOP_FONTPATH -> "/usr/lpp/fonts/collections"}
  2. Multiple directories specified with a blank between the paths:
    environment={AOP_FONTPATH -> "/usr/lpp/fonts/myfonts /jdoe/fonts/truetype"}
    Separate directory paths with a space. Spaces are not allowed within the directory path name.
  3. The backslash in this example indicates that the text within the quotation marks continues on the next line:
    environment={AOP_FONTPATH -> "/usr/lpp/fonts/collections \
The default form definition used to format the input data stream. Specify the 1 to 8 character form definition name, with or without the F1 prefix. If you omit the F1 prefix, the transform adds it.

The transform uses this form definition only if no other form definition is specified.

environment={AOP_FORMDEF –> F1CP0111}
The AFP system resource libraries that contain form definitions. Specify from 1 to 8 data set names. Separate each name with a space. Libraries are searched in the order listed.
AOP_FORMDEFLIB –> "sys1.fdeflib"
environment={AOP_FORMDEFLIB –> "sys1.fdeflib inst.fdeflib"}
This value is used internally for data transfer. If transforming output to an MVS™ data set, specify a value that represents the smallest record length for MVS data sets that will be used for transform output. A larger value will result in better transform throughput and performance. Specify MAX if not transforming output to MVS data sets.

Valid values are:

696 - 32756
Specify the record length of the MVS data set used to receive transform output.
The maximum record length of 32756 will be used.
  1. A record length of 32756 for the MVS data set is recommended.
  2. If 32756 is specified, use MAX for this environment variable.
The form definition used to format transform error messages. Specify the 1 to 8 character form definition name, with or without the F1 prefix. If you omit the F1 prefix, the transform adds it. This form definition must be located in one of the libraries specified in the AOP_FORMDEFLIB variable.
environment={AOP_MSGFORMDEF –> F1CP0111}
The page definition used to format transform error messages. Specify the 1 to 8 character page definition name, with or without the P1 prefix. If you omit the P1 prefix, the transform adds it. This page definition must be located in one of the libraries specified in the AOP_PAGEDEFLIB variable. The transform formats messages for the first paper size defined in the AOP_PAPER variable.
Use page definition P1P08682 for letter size paper, and page definition P1Q09182 for A4 paper.
environment={AOP_MSGPAGEDEF –> P1P06362}
Indicates how the transform supports offset stacking (also called jogging). Offset stacking is requested in the form definition (medium map). If the form definition requests offset stacking, the transform can offset, shift, or rotate each subset in the output depending on the printer support. Valid values are:
The transform offsets the output by specifying a PCL Job Separation command for each subset. This PCL command toggles the printer output bin between two positions. Printers that support this PCL command include HP LaserJet III Si, Xerox DocuPrint 180, and similar printers.
The transform ignores offset stacking requested in the form definition.
The transform rotates the output by creating a new printer job for each subset and specifying the PJL DEFAULT JOBOFFSET=ROTATE command for the job. Printers that support this PJL command include some Ricoh printers.
The transform shifts the output by creating a new printer job for each subset and specifying the PJL DEFAULT JOBOFFSET=SHIFT command for the job. Printers that support this PJL command include some Ricoh printers.
yes | on
The transform offsets the output by creating a new printer job for each subset and specifying the PJL DEFAULT JOBOFFSET=ON command for the job. (Value "yes" is the same as "on".)
If you specify rotate, shift, yes, or on, the printer must support PJL commands. In addition, you must specify the AOP_PJL -> yes environment variable.

If you specify AOP_PJL -> yes and use the IP PrintWay extended mode Direct Sockets protocol to send documents to the printer, do not select the "Record pages printed for accounting" and "Restart printing after last successful page" options in the printer definition for the printer. This is because a PJL JOB command in the document can conflict with the PJL JOB command that IP PrintWay adds to the document to track the number of pages that print successfully.

Specify the imm option if the printer supports it.
environment={AOP_OFFSET_JOGGING -> imm}
If you specify rotate, shift, yes, or on, fonts are sent to the printer again for each new printer job, which can adversely affect performance. In addition, other documents might print between the printer jobs.
The AFP system resource libraries that contain overlays. Specify from 1 to 8 data set names. Separate each name with a space. Libraries are searched in the order listed.
AOP_OVERLAYLIB –> "sys1.overlib"
environment={AOP_OVERLAYLIB –> "sys1.overlib inst.overlib"}
The default page definition used to format line data and create PCL output. Specify the 1 to 8 character page definition name, with or without the P1 prefix. If you omit the P1 prefix, the transform adds it. The transform uses this page definition only if no other page definition is specified.
Use page definition P1P08682 for letter size paper, and page definition P1Q09182 for A4 paper.
environment={AOP_PAGEDEF –> P1Q09182}
The AFP system resource libraries that contain page definitions. Specify from 1 to 8 data set names. Separate each name with a space. Libraries are searched in the order listed.
AOP_PAGEDEFLIB –> "sys1.pdeflib"
environment={AOP_PAGEDEFLIB –> "sys1.pdeflib inst.pdeflib"}
The AFP system resource libraries that contain page segments. Specify from 1 to 8 data set names. Separate each name with a space.
AOP_PAGESEGLIB –> "sys1.pseglib"
environment={AOP_PAGESEGLIB –> "sys1.pseglib inst.pseglib"}
The name of the paper that is typically installed in each AFP input tray. The transform formats the PCL output for the paper in the AFP input tray ID the document selects.

The position (1 through 9) of each paper name represents the number of the AFP input tray. The 10th position represents any AFP input tray number greater than 9.

You can specify from 1 to 10 paper names. Separate each name with a space. If you specify fewer than 10 paper names, the transform uses the paper name in position 1.

For more information about the paper names you can specify, see Paper names.

Valid paper names and their sizes (width x height) are:

Paper Name
The transform uses the page size in the Page Descriptor (PGD) structured field if the size is equivalent to a standard PCL page size. Otherwise, the transform uses letter size because PCL interpreters do not recognize non-standard paper sizes.
292.25 x 413.25 mm
210 x 297 mm
148.3 x 210 mm
250 x 353 mm
176 x 250 mm
162 x 229 mm (6.48 x 9.16 in.)
4.125 x 9.5 in. (104.8 x 241.3 mm)
110 x 220 mm (4.4 x 8.8 in)
7.25 x 10.5 in (185 x 267 mm)
11 x 17 in (279 x 432 mm)
8.5 x 14.0 in (216 x 356 mm)
8.5 x 11.0 in (216 x 279 mm)
3.875 x 7.5 in. (98.4 x 190.5 mm)
Use the AOP_EDGETOEDGE->yes environment variable when the printer is configured to print edge-to-edge. However, if the printer does not support edge-to-edge printing, documents created for edge-to-edge printing have the outside 50 pels, approximately 4 millimeters, of output cut off.
AOP_PAPER –> "letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter"
The backslash in this example indicates that the text within the quotation marks continues on the next line:
environment={AOP_PAPER –> "letter legal letter letter \
letter letter letter letter letter letter"}
In this example, if the document to be transformed specifies:
  • AFP input tray 1, the transform formats the output for letter size paper.
  • AFP input tray 2, the transform formats the output for legal size paper.
  • AFP input tray 3, the transform formats the output for letter size paper.
  • AFP input tray greater than 9, the transform formats the output for letter size paper.
Indicates whether the printer accepts all PCL 5 commands, including PJL commands. All printers that support PCL 5 support PJL commands. Some printers that support only PCL 4 do not support PJL commands. Sometimes, a printer that does not support PJL commands prints a smiley face where a PJL command occurs in the data stream or prints the PJL command on the first page. Valid values are:
The printer accepts PJL commands.
The printer does not accept PJL commands. Therefore, the AFP to PCL transform does not create PJL commands.
AOP_PJL –> yes
environment={AOP_PJL –> no}
If you use IP PrintWay extended mode, specify AOP_PJL -> no because a PJL JOB command in the document can conflict with the PJL JOB command that IP PrintWay adds to the document to track the number of pages that print successfully.
Specifies whether the transform writes messages for transform warnings and data stream errors to a trailer error page. The trailer error page is the last page in the output document. Warnings can indicate degraded output.

Valid values are:

The transform writes error messages, but not warning messages, to a trailer error page. This option does not apply when AOP_FAIL_ON_ERROR–> error or AOP_FAIL_ON_ERROR–>warning because no output document is created when an error occurs.
No trailer error page is produced.
The transform writes warning and error messages to a trailer error page. This option does not apply when AOP_FAIL_ON_ERROR–>warning because no output document is created when an error or warning occurs. This is the default.
  1. The trailer-transform-error-page job attribute and the Trailer error page field in the printer definition override this value.
  2. You can specify the value using lowercase or uppercase letters (for example, no or NO).
  3. You can use the Infoprint Server ISPF panels to set the Trailer error page field in the Processing section of a printer definition.
environment={AOP_TRAILER_ERROR_PAGE -> error}
A mapping of AFP input tray numbers to PCL tray IDs. The position (1 - 9) of each PCL tray ID corresponds to the AFP tray number. The 10th position corresponds to all AFP input tray numbers greater than 9.

Specify 1 to 10 PCL tray IDs, separating each number with a space. Number 0 (zero) indicates that an input tray is not installed in the printer. If the input document requests an input tray that is not installed, the transform writes an error message in the output file and uses the tray ID in position 1.

PCL tray IDs typically mean:

  • PCL tray 1: Feed paper from a printer-specific tray.
  • PCL tray 2: Feed paper from manual input.
  • PCL tray 3: Feed envelope from manual input.
  • PCL tray 4: Feed paper from lower tray.
  • PCL tray 5: Feed paper from optional paper source.
  • PCL tray 6: Feed envelope from optional envelope source.

The AFP to PCL transform codes the PCL tray ID specified in AOP_TRAYID in the PCL Paper Source command. For more information about PCL tray IDs, see the description of the Paper Source command in Hewlett Packard's PCL documentation. Because the implementation of paper tray IDs can vary from printer to printer, also see the documentation for your printer.

Specify a non-zero value in the first position. This is because the transform uses tray 1 as the default tray.
  1. PCL tray IDs do not match the tray numbers embossed on the actual printer trays.
  2. If the usual PCL tray IDs do not work, specify different tray IDs in the AOP_TRAYID variable until the printer selects paper from the desired paper tray.
AOP_TRAYID –> "1 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2"
environment={AOP_TRAYID –> "1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2"}

This example shows that if the document to be transformed specifies:

  • AFP input tray 1, the transform uses PCL tray ID 1.
  • AFP input tray 2, the transform uses PCL tray ID 4.
  • AFP input tray 3 through 9, the transform uses PCL tray ID 1.
  • AFP input tray greater than 9, the transform uses PCL tray ID 2.

Examples -- Transform configuration file entries for the AFP to PCL transform

These examples show sample transform entries in the Infoprint Server transform configuration file (aopxfd.conf) for the AFP to PCL transform.

Print on letter and legal size paper
This transform entry can be used for printers that print on letter and legal size paper. To use this entry, do not specify a transform class.
transform afpxpcl
 start-command = afpxpcld
 maximum-active = 2
 maximum-idle-time = 300 # 5 minutes
 minimum-active = 1
 environment = {
  AOP_CHARS -> 60d9
  AOP_COLOR -> no   
  AOP_CUTSHEET -> yes  
  AOP_FONTLIB -> "sys1.font300"
  AOP_FORMDEFLIB -> "sys1.fdeflib"
  AOP_MSGPAGEDEF -> P1P08682  
  AOP_OVERLAYLIB -> "sys1.overlib"
  AOP_PAGEDEF -> P1P08682
  AOP_PAGEDEFLIB -> "sys1.pdeflib"
  AOP_PAGESEGLIB -> "sys1.pseglib"
   "letter legal letter letter letter letter letter letter letter letter"
  AOP_PJL -> no
  AOP_TRAYID -> "1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2"
Print on A3, A4, and C5 paper
This transform entry can be used for printers that print on A3, A4, and C5 paper. This transform entry creates transform class “eu". To use this transform class, specify the class in the -c transform option as shown in these two examples:
  • afpxpcl -c eu -o myfile.pcl myfile.afp
    lp -o "filter-options='-c eu'" -d myprinter myfile.afp
  • transform afpxpcl_eu
     start-command = afpxpcld
     maximum-active = 2
     maximum-idle-time = 300 # 5 minutes
     minimum-active = 1
     environment = {
       AOP_CHARS -> 60d9
       AOP_COLOR -> no   
       AOP_CUTSHEET -> yes   
       AOP_FONTLIB -> "sys1.font300"
       AOP_FORMDEF -> F1CP0110
       AOP_FORMDEFLIB -> "sys1.fdeflib inst.fdeflib"
       AOP_MSGFORMDEF -> F1CP0110
       AOP_MSGPAGEDEF -> P1P08682
       AOP_OVERLAYLIB -> "sys1.overlib inst.overlib"
       AOP_PAGEDEF -> P1P08682
       AOP_PAGEDEFLIB -> "sys1.pdeflib inst.pdeflib"
       AOP_PAGESEGLIB -> "sys1.pseglib inst.pseglib"
       AOP_PAPER -> "a4 a3 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 c5"
       AOP_PJL -> no
       AOP_TRAYID -> "1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2"

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