
CICS® supplies a set of samples that you can use as a starting point for developing applications and configuring CICS. The samples are used in the scenarios and tutorials to get you started quickly when learning about a new area of the product.

The samples are categorized as follows:

The general insurance application

The general insurance application is a working COBOL application that you can use to try out different features of CICS.

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The CICS catalog manager example application

The CICS catalog manager example application is a working COBOL application that is designed to illustrate best practice when connecting CICS applications to external clients and servers.

The base application has a 3270 user interface, but the modular structure, with well-defined interfaces between the components, makes it possible to add further components. In particular, the application comes with web service support, which is designed to illustrate how you can extend an existing application into the web services environment.

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Global user exit sample programs

CICS provides two sets of sample and example global user exit programs. The source of all the sample programs and any associated copy books is supplied in the CICSTS54.CICS.SDFHSAMP library. You can use the supplied programs as models on which to base your own versions.

Table 1. Two sets of global user exit sample programs
Samples Description
Foundation samples This set of samples shows you how to do basic things, such as enabling a global user exit program and allocating a global work area, using EXEC CICS and XPI commands in a global user exit program, and so on.
Specific exit program samples This set of samples is for use at specific global user exit points.

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FEPI sample programs

This set of sample programs (in source form), including two back-end application programs, shows you how to set up and use FEPI. Although the samples are copyrighted, you can use and copy them freely for educational purposes to help you write FEPI applications.

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The Sale example application

The Sale example application is a set of programs that demonstrates how to use CICS business transaction services to manage business transactions. You can set up this sample BTS application to see the workings of a business transaction. The business transaction has four basic actions; order entry, delivery, invoice, and payment. It also includes some more advanced BTS features.

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Java samples

Supplied with the IBM® CICS SDK for Java™, these samples help you get started with developing Java applications for CICS. CICS also supplies some sample groups and resource definitions that you can use with the Java samples to get started with running applications in a JVM server.

Table 2. Two sets of global user exit sample programs
Samples Description
JCICS examples The JCICS examples are packaged as a set of OSGi bundles that you can import into an Eclipse plug-in project to view the Java source code. You can also use the context help to look up the Javadoc explanations for the methods that are used in the code. In particular, the CICS API examples demonstrate how to use CICS resources and pass data.
Servlet examples You can create a web presentation layer for your Java application by using Java EE Web Profile technologies. You can use the provided examples to try this feature. The servlet examples demonstrate best practice and show how to use the JCICS API to develop web applications that can interact with CICS and Db2. This topic applies to CICS integrated-mode Liberty only.

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C++ samples

In particular, the C++ Hello World sample (ICC$HEL), which writes a simple message to the CICS terminal, helps you get started with CICS OO programming.

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Atom feed sample programs

CICS supplies sample URIMAP and ATOMSERVICE resource definitions, Atom configuration files, XML bindings and service routines.

The samples include:
DFH0W2F1 - COBOL sample service routine for Atom feeds
The sample service routine DFH0W2F1 is a COBOL program that handles GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE requests for Atom entries that use data from the CICS sample file FILEA. You can use these interactions as a model for handling resources in your own service routine.

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CICSPlex SM API sample programs

Each sample program is shown in one of the languages in which it is distributed.

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Link3270 sample programs

CICS provides sample client programs that use the ECI, EXCI and LINK interfaces to call the Link3270 bridge to run the sample transaction NACT. These sample programs provide coded examples that help you write your own client programs.

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EXCI sample programs

CICS provides a number of sample programs that help you write your own application programs. To help with writing programs that use the external CICS interface, CICS provides sample MVS™ client programs and a sample CICS server program. The samples show you how to code client applications that use both the EXCI CALL interface and EXEC CICS LINK command.

One set of samples shows using a COMMAREA to pass data to and receive data from CICS, and a second set of samples shows using channels and containers to pass and receive data.

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CICSPlex SM sample programs

The sample modules help you to compile your own router access module.

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JSON samples

Use these examples to help you understand JSON requests.

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SAML sample programs

CICS provides two COBOL programs and other necessary CICS artefacts as part of a SAML sample that you can use to verify that CICS is configured correctly for SAML. The COBOL programs can be compiled and then invoked through a transaction for validating your configuration.

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