Configuring URL link names by using the rich text display type for simple strings

You can use the rich text display type to display a user-friendly link name as a field's default value. For example, you can configure a field's default value to display as My Company rather than This feature is an alternative to using the URL display type, which can display only URL internet addresses.

About this task

When you use the rich text display type, you can define the URL by using the anchor tag, <a>. The anchor tag specifies the link name and styles you want to apply, such as font style and size. The target="_blank tag makes the URL open in a new tab.

For example, the following anchor tag displays the link name, My Company, and opens in a new tab:

<a href="" target="_blank">My Company</a>

The following anchor tag applies a larger font and different color to the link name:

<a style="font-size:18px;font-family:comic sans ms,cursive;color:#FF0000" 
href="" target="_blank">My Company</a>

You can put multiple anchor tags in a single rich text field. For example, the follow anchor tags display two link names as a field's default value:

<a href="" target="_blank">Link to IBM</a>
<a href="" target="_blank">Link to IBM Knowledge Center</a>

Because you are using the rich text display type rather than the URL display type, the system does not check whether the URL is valid.

You can add fields that use the rich text display type for link names to all view types. However, on Filtered List and Grid views the link name is displayed above a glasses icon. Clicking the icon opens a window that contains the link.


  1. Click Administration > Field Groups.
  2. Select a field group.
  3. In the Field Definitions table of the field group, click Add.
    1. In Data Type, select Simple String.
    2. Click the double arrows (>>).
    3. In Default Value, enter the URL address as an anchor tag, for example:
      <a href="" target="_blank">My Company</a>
  4. Click Administration > Profiles.
    1. Select a profile.
    2. Select an object type.
    3. Click Include and choose the new field.
    4. Click the field in the Object Fields table and click Edit.
    5. In Display Type, select Rich Text.
  5. Add the field to a view. Select Read Only.

What to do next

Create objects and use the new field. Since the URL is specified as a default value, the field does not display on existing object instances.