
Planning for your queue manager

When you are setting up a queue manager, your planning should allow for the queue manager to grow, so that the queue manager meets the needs of your enterprise.

The best way to configure a queue manager is in steps:
  1. Configure the base queue manager
  2. Configure the channel initiator which does queue manager to queue manager communications, and remote client application communication
  3. If you want to encrypt and protect messages, configure Advanced Message Security
  4. If you want to use File Transfer over IBM® MQ, configure Managed File Transfer for z/OS®.
  5. If you want to use the administrative or messaging REST API, or the MQ Console to manage IBM MQ from a web browser, configure the mqweb server.

Some enterprises have thousands of queue managers in their environment. You need to consider your IBM MQ network now, and in five years time.

On z/OS, some queue managers process thousands of messages a second, and log over 100 MB a second. If you expect very high volumes you may need to consider having more than one queue manager.

On z/OS, IBM MQ can run as part of a queue sharing group (QSG) where messages are stored in the Coupling Facility, and any queue manager in the queue sharing group can access the messages. If you want to run in a queue sharing group you need to consider how many queue managers you need. Typically, there is one queue manager for each LPAR. You might also have one queue manager to backup CF structures regularly.

Some changes to configuration are easy to do, such as defining a new queue. Some are harder, such as making logs and page sets bigger; and some configuration cannot be changed, such as the name of a queue manager or the queue sharing group name.

There is performance and tuning information available in the MP16 performance SupportPac .

Naming conventions

You need to have a naming convention for the queue manager data sets.

Many enterprises use the release number in the name of the load libraries, and so on. You might want to consider having an alias of MQM.SCSQAUTH pointing to the version currently in use, such as MQM.V900.SCSQAUTH, so you do not have to change CICS®, Batch, and IMS JCL when you migrate to a new version of IBM MQ.

You can use a symbolic link in UNIX System Services to reference the installation directory for the version of IBM MQ currently in use.

The data sets used by the queue manager (logs, page sets, JCL libraries) need a naming convention to simplify the creation of security profiles, and the mapping of data sets to SMS storage classes that control where the data sets are placed on disk, and the attributes they have.

Note, that putting the version of IBM MQ into the name of the page sets or logs, is not a good idea. One day you might migrate to a new version, and the data set will have the "wrong" names.


You need to understand the business applications and the best way to configure IBM MQ. For example if applications have logic to provide recovery and repeat capability, then non persistent messages might be good enough. If you want IBM MQ to handle the recovery, then you need to use persistent messages and put and get messages in syncpoint.

You need to isolate queues from different business transactions. If a queue for one business application fills up, you do not want this impacting other business applications. Isolate the queues in different page sets and buffer pools, or structures, if possible.

You need to understand the profile of messages. For many applications the queues have only a few messages. Other applications can have queues build up during the day, and be processed overnight. A queue which normally has only a few messages on it, might need to hold many hours worth of messages if there is a problem and messages are not processed. You need to size the CF structures and page sets to allow for your expected peak capacity.

Post configuration

Once you have configured your queue manager (and components) you need to plan for:
  • Backing up page sets.
  • Backing up definitions of objects.
  • Automating the backup of any CF structures.
  • Monitoring IBM MQ messages, and taking action when a problem is detected.
  • Collecting the IBM MQ statistics data.
  • Monitoring resource usage, such as virtual storage, and amount of data logged per hour. With this you can see if your resource usage is increasing and if you need to take actions, such as setting up a new queue manager