Class MQExternalReceiveExit

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class MQExternalReceiveExit
    extends MQExternalUserExit
    implements MQReceiveExit
    Enables Java code to call a non-Java receive exit. Chaining of exits is implemented by MQReceiveExitChain.

    An MQExternalReceiveExit object holds all the information required to construct the MQCXP and MQCD structures that are required when calling the non-Java receive exit.

    • Constructor Detail

      • MQExternalReceiveExit

        public MQExternalReceiveExit()
        The default constructor.
      • MQExternalReceiveExit

        public MQExternalReceiveExit(java.lang.String libraryName,
                                     java.lang.String entryPointName,
                                     java.lang.String userData)
        Constructs an object with an exit already defined.
        libraryName - the name of the library module that contains the exit.
        entryPointName - the name of the entry point in libraryName used by the exit.
        userData - the data defined by the user.
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