[z/OS][V9.0.1 Nov 2016]

Setting up a simple one way MQ Service Provider service on z/OS Connect EE

Use the following steps, in order, to set up a simple one-way MQ Service Provider service.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have set up all the components correctly, as described in Enabling z/OS® Connect and the MQ Service Provider and Checking that z/OS Connect is correctly set up


  1. Create a queue called ONE_WAY_QUEUE on the target z/OS queue manager, using either MQSC or the IBM® MQ Explorer.
  2. Define an IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory and a queue.
    You do this by adding the following to the bottom of server.xml, of the z/OS Connect EE server that you have created, but inside the server element.
     <jmsConnectionFactory id="cf1" jndiName="jms/cf1" connectionManagerRef="ConMgr1">       
    <connectionManager id="ConMgr1" maxPoolSize="5"/>
    <jmsQueue id="q1" jndiName="jms/d1">
    1. Change the value of the queueManager attribute to the correct target queue manager name.
    2. A transportType of bindings is used. The means that a cross-memory connection is used to communicate with the queue manager. This is the only supported transportType when using the MQ Service Provider.
  3. Define a simple one-way IBM MQ service by adding the following to server.xml, of the z/OS Connect EE server that you have created, but inside the server element.
    <zosconnect_zosConnectService id="zosconnMQ1"
                                  serviceRef="oneWay "/>
     <mqzosconnect_mqzOSConnectService id="oneWay "
    The zosConnectService element defines a new service to z/OS Connect using the serviceName of oneWay. The:
    • invokeURI attribute makes it easier to invoke the service.
    • serviceRef attribute must match the ID attribute of a z/OS Connect service provider, which in this case is provided by the mqzOSConnectService element.

    The mqzOSConnectService element defines a single service instance provided by the MQ Service Provider.

    The connectionFactory and destination attributes tell the instance how to locate the IBM MQ messaging provider connection factory, and queue, respectively.

    See mqzOSConnectService element for details of the attributes in this structure.


You have set up a simple one-way service.

What to do next

You need to test the service.