Interface JmsExceptionDetail

All known implementing classes:
DetailedIllegalStateException, DetailedInvalidClientIDException, DetailedInvalidDestinationException, DetailedInvalidSelectorException, DetailedJMSException, DetailedJMSSecurityException, DetailedMessageEOFException, DetailedMessageFormatException, DetailedMessageNotReadableException, DetailedMessageNotWriteableException, DetailedResourceAllocationException, DetailedTransactionInProgressException, DetailedTransactionRolledBackException

  1. public interface JmsExceptionDetail
ExceptionDetail contains methods to get message inserts, message explanation and user action. Any JMSException that is thrown can be cast to this interface to allow applications to access message inserts, the explanation and user action. This avoids applications having to parse NLS text to retrieve this information. DetailedJMSException and other Detailed subclasses of JMSException implement this interface. JMSException.getErrorCode() will return the message id.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
  1. java.lang.String
Gets the explanation for the message in this exception.
  1. java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String>
Gets an iterator for all the message insert keys for the message in this exception.
  1. java.lang.String
Gets the user action for the message in this exception.
  1. java.lang.String
getValue(java.lang.String insertKey)
Gets the message insert corresponding to a particular key for the translatable message in this exception.

Method Detail


  1. java.lang.String getExplanation( )
Gets the explanation for the message in this exception. This may be null.


  1. java.lang.String getUserAction( )
Gets the user action for the message in this exception. This may be null.
user action


  1. java.lang.String getValue(java.lang.String insertKey)
Gets the message insert corresponding to a particular key for the translatable message in this exception. The key is a message insert constant or a property constant that is valid for this message. The valid keys for this message can be obtained using getKeys(). This method will return null if the key is not valid for this message.
insertKey - a message insert constant or property constant valid for this message
See Also:


  1. java.util.Iterator<java.lang.String> getKeys( )
Gets an iterator for all the message insert keys for the message in this exception. The keys are the property constants or message insert constants that are valid for this message.
iterator for the message insert keys