AIX operating systems

Offloading data to AIX® systems

For longer term protection, you can offload data from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to IBM Spectrum Protect.

About this task

An IBM Spectrum Protect object agent cannot run directly on an IBM AIX operating system. However, you can offload IBM Spectrum Protect Plus data to an IBM Spectrum Protect object client on an AIX system by first setting up an object agent on a Linux x86_64 operating system. The standalone object agent is available only on the Linux x86_64 operating system.

After the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus object client sends data to the IBM Spectrum Protect object agent on Linux x86_64, the object agent transfers data to an IBM Spectrum Protect object client on AIX.


To offload data from IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to an IBM Spectrum Protect server on AIX, complete the following configuration steps:

  1. On the AIX server, issue the following IBM Spectrum Protect administrative command:
    setopt EnableAIXS3Interface Yes
  2. On the AIX server, define an object agent by issuing the following IBM Spectrum Protect administrative command. To set the high-level address (HLA) and low-level address (LLA), use the IP address of the host system and port that the object agent will use.
    define server object_agent_name 
    lla=object_agent_port objectagent=yes
    Tip: The default value for the object agent port is 9000. If a local object agent is already running on the system, the object agent that is being configured for the AIX server must use a different port number from that of the existing object agent.
  3. Download the following scripts to the object agent host system:

    Either IBM Spectrum Protect Plus or an IBM Spectrum Protect server can be installed on the object agent host system.

    If the IBM Spectrum Protect server is installed, you can use the spObjectAgent file in the server directory and you do not have to download the agent and its scripts again.

  4. Ensure that the following files have executable permissions:
    • spObjectAgent
    • spObjectAgent.rc
    • spObjectAgent.rc.u
  5. From the AIX server system, copy the following two items to a directory on the object agent host system on Linux:
    • Object agent server directory
    • Server public certificate
    The object agent server directory was created when you ran the DEFINE SERVER command. The directory includes the following file and certificates:
    • A configuration file for creating and starting an object agent service
    • Certificates for communication between the object agent and the server
    The object agent server directory is created in the server's instance directory: /server_instance_home_dir/object_agent_name. For example,


    The server public certificate (cert256.arm) is typically located in the server instance directory.

  6. In the object agent server directory that you copied in the previous step, locate the object agent configuration file (spObjectAgent_objectagentname_serverport.config).
    For example: spObjectAgent_OBJAGENT1_1500.config
    In the configuration file, update the locations of the following files. For example:
  7. Override the SERVERHLA parameter in the object agent configuration file by using the AIX server IP address:
    Tip: The object agent uses this value to locate the IBM Spectrum Protect server.
  8. To create and start the object agent on the host system, run the script with the configuration file: spObjectAgent_objectagentname_serverport.config
  9. Register an object agent client on the AIX server by issuing the following IBM Spectrum Protect server command:
    register node nodename type=objectclient
    Important: Record the login user ID and password that are automatically generated. You will need the credentials to connect to the object agent.
  10. To connect the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus object client to the object agent, go to the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus online documentation and follow the instructions in Adding a repository server as a backup storage provider.