Adding a repository server as a backup storage provider

Add a repository server to enable IBM Spectrum Protect Plus to offload data to the server.

Before you begin

Configure the key and certificate that are required for the repository server. For instructions, see Adding an access key and Adding a certificate.

For the current release of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus, the repository server must be an IBM Spectrum Protect server.

Configure IBM Spectrum Protect Plus as an object client to the IBM Spectrum Protect server. The object client node transfers and stores offloaded data. After you complete the setup procedure, the wizard provides you with the endpoint for communicating with the object agent on the server, and the access ID, secret key, and certificate for connecting securely. Configuring IBM Spectrum Protect server as an offload target.

Certificates can be obtained from the IBM Spectrum Protect server Operations Center by navigating to the following pane: Server > Object Agent > Agent Certificate. Alternatively, the certificate can be obtained from the IBM Spectrum Protect Plus appliance by running the following command: openssl s_client -showcerts -connect <ip-address>:9000 </dev/null 2>/dev/null | openssl x509

Offload retention settings are fully controlled through associated SLA policies in IBM Spectrum Protect Plus. IBM Spectrum Protect server copygroup retention settings are not used for offload operations.


To add an IBM Spectrum Protect server as backup storage provider complete the following steps:

  1. In the navigation menu, click System Configuration > Backup Storage > Repository Server.
  2. Click Add Repository Server.
  3. Complete the fields in the Register Repository Server pane:
    Enter a meaningful name to help identify the repository server.
    Enter the resolvable host name of the repository server. The host name must match the object agent name found in the associated certificate.
    Enter the communications port of the repository server.
    Use existing key
    Enable to select a previously entered key for the repository, and then select the key from the Select a key list.
    If you do not select this option, complete the following fields to add a key:
    Key name
    Enter a meaningful name to help to identify the key.
    Access key
    Enter the access key.
    Secret key
    Enter the secret key.
    Select a method of associating a certificate with the resource. If copying the certificate, the BEGIN and END lines of text must be included.
    Select to browse for the certificate locally, then click Upload.
    Copy and paste
    Select to enter the name of the certificate, copy and paste the contents of the certificate, then click Create.
    Use existing
    Select to use a previously uploaded certificate.
  4. Click Register.
    The IBM Spectrum Protect server is added to the repository servers table.

What to do next

After you add a repository server, complete the following action:
Action How to
Associate the repository server with the SLA policy that is used for the backup job. To create an SLA policy, see Creating an SLA policy.

To modify an existing SLA policy, see Editing an SLA policy.