Key Functions and Keyboard Setup

This chapter contains information about keyboard setup and customizing mapped key functions.

Default Key Function Assignments

This section lists the functions assigned, by default, to each key on your keyboard.

For more information about each function, refer to the Keyboard choice on the Help menu.

You can change the default key assignments to the following default function tables, by selecting Keyboard Setup from the Assist menu.

When the Keyboard Setup window opens, select one of the following choices:

Personal Communications includes two .KMP keyboard map files that map the standard Win32 hotkeys for Cut, Copy, and Paste. You can use these keyboard map files or add the key values to an existing map file. See Win32 Cut, Copy, and Paste Hotkeys for more information.

Setting the 3270 Keyboard Layout Default

To make the 3270 keyboard layout defaults available, do the following:

  1. Click Preferences -> Keyboard from the Edit menu. The Keyboard dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the IBM® Default radio button next to Current Keyboard.
  3. Click OK.

Default Key Functions for a 3270 Layout

Table 11 shows the default key functions for PC/3270. The key used is the same for all the supported keyboard types.

Table 11. Default Key Functions for a 3270 Layout
Function of Key Key
APL Ctrl+F8
Attention Esc
Alternate Cursor Alt+F11
Backspace <- (Backspace)
Back Tab Shift+->|
Back Tab Word Alt+<-
Break Break
Change Format Toggle Alt+F3
Change Screen Ctrl+PageUp
Clear Pause
Color Blue Ctrl+Shift+F5
Color Field Inherit Ctrl+Shift+F8
Color Green Ctrl+Shift+F3
Color Pink Ctrl+Shift+F2
Color Red Ctrl+Shift+F1
Color Turquoise Ctrl+Shift+F6
Color White Ctrl+Shift+F7
Color Yellow Ctrl+Shift+F4
Cursor Blink Ctrl+F10
Cursor Down V or 2(pad)
Cursor Left <- or 4(pad)
Cursor Right -> or 6(pad)
Cursor Select Ctrl+F9
Cursor Up ^ or 8(pad)
Delete Character
Delete or
Delete Word
Ctrl+Delete or
Document Mode Toggle Alt+F1
Dup Shift+Insert2
Edit Copy Ctrl+Insert
Edit Cut Shift+Delete
Edit Paste
Shift+PageDown or
Edit Undo Alt+<- (Backspace)
End Field Pad End
Enter/Control Shift+Ctrl
Erase EOF End2
Erase Field Shift+End2
Erase Input Alt+End2
Fast Cursor Down
Alt+V or
Fast Cursor Up
Alt+^ or
Field Mark Shift+Home2
Graphic Cursor Alt+F12
Highlighting Field Inherit Alt+3(pad)
Highlighting Reverse Alt+*(pad)
Highlighting Underscore Alt+6(pad)
Home Home or 7(pad)
Insert Insert or 0(pad)
Jump Next Alt+PageUp
Mark Down Shift+V
Mark Left Shift+<-
Mark Right Shift+->
Mark Up Shift+^
Move Mark Down
Ctrl+V or
Move Mark Left
Ctrl+<- or
Move Mark Right
Ctrl+-> or
Move Mark Up
Ctrl+^ or
PA1 Alt+Insert2
PA2 Alt+Home2
PA3 Shift+PageUp2
Pause Ctrl+F7
PF1 to PF12 F1 to F12
PF13 to PF24 Shift+F1 to F12
Play Ctrl+F6
PS Field Inherit Ctrl+Shift+(pad)0
Print (Local Copy) Not assigned
Quit (Device Cancel) Alt+Left Ctrl
Record Ctrl+F5
Reset/Control Left Ctrl
Response Time Monitor Ctrl+F11
Rule Ctrl+Home
Sys Request Shift+Esc
Tab Field ->| or Shift+->|(pad)
Tab Word Alt+->
Test Ctrl+PageDown
Transparency Field Inherit Ctrl+Shift+8(pad)
Transparency Opaque Ctrl+Shift+/(pad)
Word Wrap Toggle Alt+F2
Indicates the key on the main keyboard.
Indicates a key on the numeric keypad.
The Enhanced keyboard has some duplicated keys. The functions of the duplicated keys are the same except when you specify a single key. For example, Del means any Delete key, whereas Pad Del specifies only the Delete key on the numeric keypad.

Setting the 5250 Keyboard Layout Default

To make the 5250 keyboard layout defaults available, do the following:

  1. Select Preferences -> Keyboard from the Edit menu. The Keyboard dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the IBM Default radio button next to Current Keyboard.
  3. Click OK.

Default Key Functions for a 5250 Layout

Table 12 shows the default key functions for iSeries®, eServer™ i5, or System i5®. The key used is the same for all the supported keyboard types.

  1. If you use iSeries from the combined package, see Default Key Functions for the Combined Package.
  2. The default key functions for a 5250 layout are not available by default. To make these functions available, perform the procedures in Setting the 5250 Keyboard Layout Default.
Table 12. Default Key Functions for a 5250 Layout
Function of Key Key
Alternate Cursor Ctrl+F11
Attention Esc
Backspace <- (Backspace)
Backtab Shift+->|
Backtab Word Alt+<-
Begin Bold* Ctrl+B
Begin of line* Ctrl+4(pad)
Begin Underscore* Ctrl+U
Bottom of Page* Ctrl+2(pad)
Carrier Return
Ctrl+Enter or
Ctrl+-(pad) or
Center Text* Ctrl+C
Clear Pause
Cursor Blink Ctrl+F10
Cursor Down V or 2(pad)
Cursor Left <- or 4(pad)
Cursor Right -> or 6(pad)
Cursor Up ^ or 8(pad)
Delete Character Delete or .(pad)
Delete Word
Ctrl+Delete or
Display Text Code Alt+Insert
Dup Shift+Insert
Edit Copy Ctrl+Insert
Edit Cut Shift+Delete
Edit Paste
Shift+PageDown or
Edit Undo Alt+<- (Backspace)
End Bold/Underscore* Ctrl+J
End of line* Ctrl+6(pad)
End of page* Ctrl+P
Enter/Control Right Ctrl
Erase EOF End or 1(pad)
Erase Input Alt+End
Fast Cursor Down
Alt+V or
Fast Cursor Up
Alt+^ or
Field Exit
Enter(pad) or
<* (Enter)
Field Mark Shift+Home
Field Minus (-) -(pad)
Field Plus (+) +(pad)
Half Index Down* Ctrl+H
Half Index Up* Ctrl+Y
Help Alt+F1
Home Home or 7(pad)
Host Print Ctrl+Pause
Insert or
Insert Symbol* Ctrl+A
Jump Next Alt+PageUp
Mark Down Shift+V
Mark Left Shift+<-
Mark Right Shift+->
Mark Up Shift+^
Move Mark Down Ctrl+V
Move Mark Left Ctrl+<-
Move Mark Right Ctrl+->
Move Mark Up Ctrl+^
Next Column* Ctrl+D
Next Stop* Ctrl+N
Pause Ctrl+F7
PF1 to PF12 F1 to F12
PF13 to PF24 Shift+F1 to F12
Play Ctrl+F6
Quit Alt+Left Ctrl
Record Ctrl+F5
Required Backspace Ctrl+<- (Backspace)
Required Space* Ctrl+Space
Required Tab* Ctrl+->|
Reset/Control Left Ctrl
Roll Down 9(pad) or PageUp
Roll Up 3(pad) or PageDown
Rule Ctrl+Home
Stop Code* Ctrl+S
System Request Shift+Esc
Tab Field ->|
Tab Word Alt+->
Test Request Alt+Pause
Top of Page* Ctrl+8(pad)
Word Underscore* Ctrl+W
Indicates a key on the numeric keypad.
Indicates a Text Assist Key (SBCS only).

Default Key Functions for the Combined Package

Table 13 shows the default key functions for the combined package. The key used is the same for all the supported keyboard types.

When you use the 3270+5250 keyboard layout, the key definitions for the 3270 and 5250 layouts are combined with those listed here.

Table 13. Default Key Functions for the Combined Package
Function of Key Key
Change Screen Not assigned
Character Advance Shift+BackSpace
Help Not assigned
Host Print Not assigned
PA3 Not assigned
Roll Down PageUp
Roll Up PageDown
Printer Setup Not assigned

Setting the VT Keyboard Layout Default

To make the VT keyboard layout defaults available, do the following:

  1. Click Preferences -> Keyboard from the Edit menu. The Keyboard dialog box is displayed.
  2. Select the IBM Default radio button next to Current Keyboard.
  3. Click OK.

Default Key Functions for the VT Emulator Layout

Table 14 shows the default key functions for VT220, VT100 and VT52. The key used is the same for all the supported keyboard types. The VT emulator keyboard gets selected as the default only when the VT Component is selected in the installation path.

Table 14. Default Key Functions for a VT Emulator Layout
Function of Key Key
Backspace <- (Backspace)
Break Ctrl+Pause
CAN Ctrl+<- (Backspace)
Cursor Down V or 2(pad)
Cursor Left <- or 4(pad)
Cursor Right -> or 6(pad)
Cursor Up ^ or 8(pad)
Edit Copy Ctrl+Insert
Edit Cut Shift+Delete
Edit Paste
Shift+PageDown or
Edit Undo Alt+<- (Backspace)
Jump Next Alt+PageUp
New Line <* (Enter)
Mark Down Shift+V
Mark Left Shift+<-
Mark Right Shift+->
Mark Up Shift+^
Move Mark Down
Ctrl+V or
Move Mark Left
Ctrl+<- or
Move Mark Right
Ctrl+-> or
Move Mark Up
Ctrl+^ or
PF6 to PF12 F6 to F12
PF13 to PF20 Shift+F1 to F8
Rule Ctrl+Home
Tab Field ->| or Shift+->|
VT Enter Shift+Enter(pad)
VT Find
End2 or
VT Hold Pause
VT Insert Insert or 0(pad)
VT Next
Page Down2 or
VT Numpad 0 to VT Numpad 9
Shift+0(pad) to
VT Numpad Comma Shift++(pad)
VT Numpad Minus -(pad) or Shift+-(pad)
VT Numpad Period Shift+.(pad)
VT PF1 to VT PF4 F1 to F4
VT Prev
Page Up2 or
VT Remove
Delete or .(pad)
VT Select
Home2 or
VT User F6 to VT User F12 Ctrl+F6 to F12
VT User F13 to VT User F20 Ctrl+Shift+F1 to F8
Indicates the key on the main keyboard.
Indicates a key on the numeric keypad.
The Enhanced keyboard has some duplicated keys. The functions of the duplicated keys are the same except when you specify a single key. For example, Del means any Delete key, whereas Pad Del specifies only the Delete key on the numeric keypad.

Keyboard Setup (3270 and 5250)

You can use Keyboard Setup to modify the function defined for each key on the keyboard, except some reserved keys.

You can define the following functions for the keys:

For 3270, the Enter function is assigned to the Ctrl key, by default. To change this assignment or, if you are using a non-IBM compatible keyboard and the Enter key does not work properly, you need to customize your keyboard. For 3270 and 5250 sessions, you can use the keyboard map files provided with Personal Communications (see Win32 Cut, Copy, and Paste Hotkeys).

Keyboard File

When you specify a key, you can save the new keyboard layout in a file (.KMP). If you create two or more keyboard files, you can alternate between them as required.

To assign a function to a key on the keyboard:

  1. Click Preferences -> Keyboard from the Edit menu
  2. When the Keyboard Setup window appears, select Customize.
    Select Spain from the Language menu during keyboard setup if you want Catalan support.
  3. Assign the key functions, referring to the online help for detailed instructions.
  4. Save your changes and exit the Customize Keyboard window.
  5. Click OK after completing the setup.

You can reset either the entire keyboard or specific keys to defaults:

You cannot redefine the following keys: Alt, AltGr, Print Screen, Scroll Lock, CapsLock, NumLock, and Shift.

Win32 Cut, Copy, and Paste Hotkeys

Personal Communications includes two .KMP keyboard map files that map the standard Win32 hotkeys for Cut, Copy, and Paste to Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, respectively. You can use these keyboard map files or add the key values to an existing map file.

For 5250 sessions, the .KMP file provided is pcswinkb5.kmp. The remapping is given in Table 15.

Table 15. Win32 Keyboard Map Functions for a 5250 Layout
Function of Key Key
Cut Ctrl+X
Copy Ctrl+C
Paste Ctrl+V
Enter Enter
New Line Right Ctrl

The keys PF7 and PF8 remains mapped to Roll Up and Roll Down, respectively.

For 3270 sessions, the .KMP file provided is pcswinkb3.kmp. The remapping is given in Table 16.

Table 16. Win32 Keyboard Map Functions for a 3270 Layout
Function of Key Key
Edit Cut Ctrl+X
Edit Copy Ctrl+C
Edit Paste Ctrl+V
Page Up PF7
Page Down PF8
Enter Enter
New Line Right Ctrl