ODBC Drivers and Database Access Utility

This chapter contains information about ODBC drivers and the Database Access utility.

You can find additional information in the online help.

Overview of Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

ODBC is an industry standard application program interface (API) that provides a solution to a common problem--how to write programs that access a Database Management System (DBMS) without making them dependent on specific DBMS designs. ODBC provides API access to SQL-accessible databases, allowing application programs to use SQL to access data from many kinds of sources. The independence of the access method from the original design of the database means that developers can design and produce a single version of an application that can work with, for example, Oracle or Sybase data, without requiring a separate version for each DBMS. Users simply add database drivers to link the application to their choice of DBMS.

ODBC is a component of the Windows Open Services Architecture (WOSA). Personal Communications supports ODBC 2.0, for development of 32-bit applications for Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and Windows Server 2008.

An ODBC driver provides an application program with standard and uniform SQL access to a DBMS database. An ODBC driver allows the designers and users of the application program to ignore the SQL differences between various DBMS systems.

Figure 1 shows an overview of the Personal Communications Database Access utility and the ODBC DB2® drivers.

Figure 1. Database Access Overview
Database Access overview diagram

Components of ODBC

There are four components in the ODBC architecture:

From the application program's perspective, the driver manager and the driver appear to be a single unit for processing ODBC function calls. Figure 2 shows the relationship between the four components:

Figure 2. ODBC Components
Diagram of ODBC

Application Component

An application using ODBC performs the following tasks:

Any program that accesses a DBMS, such as a spreadsheet, a mail server, or a report generator, can be designed to use ODBC.

Driver Manager

The driver manager is a dynamic link library (DLL), the purpose of which is to load drivers. It also performs the following functions:


A driver is a DLL that implements ODBC function calls and interacts with a data source.

The driver manager loads a driver when the application calls the SQLBrowseConnect, SQLConnect, or SQLDriverConnect function.

A driver performs the following tasks in response to ODBC function calls from an application:

Data Source

A data source is an instance of a DBMS product and any remote operating system and the protocol required to access it.

Database Access

Database Access lets you access host or PC databases and retrieve data, using ODBC drivers. If you specify the conditions for accessing data in each window, the desired query can be created automatically. See the online help for extensive information on using the Database Access utility with the Personal Communications ODBC drivers.

From Database Access, you can perform any of the following actions:

Accessing an ODBC Data Source

To access an ODBC data source, do one of the following:

The SQL Data Source window appears.

Select the data source you want to access; then click OK.

Before using Database Access, you must install the 32-bit ODBC administrator and set up the ODBC data source you wish to use.

Selecting Database Tables

To select database tables, do one of the following:

The Tables window appears.

Joining Conditions for Multiple Tables

To join conditions for multiple tables, do one of the following:

The Join By window appears.

Selecting Database Columns

To select database columns, do one of the following:

The Columns window appears.

Selecting Query Conditions

To select query conditions for the data, do one of the following:

The Query Conditions window appears.

Selecting Sort Conditions

To select sort conditions for each column, do one of the following:

The Order By window appears.

Viewing the Current SQL Statement

To view the current SQL statement, do one of the following:

The SQL Statement window appears.

Database Size Limit

When you use Database Access, the maximum number of each value that can be displayed in the spreadsheet is as follows:

Number of columns 400
Number of rows 16350
Column length 2048 bytes
Row length 2048 bytes
SQL statement's length 32766 bytes
The values shown are standard, but your PC's available resources (such as memory) can result in other limits.

When you use another application (for example Lotus 1-2-3), refer to the manual for that application because the limit might be different.