SQL Batch utility

Use the SQL Batch utility to run multiple SQL statements by using JCL to invoke a batch program.

The SQL Batch utility is included with the IMS Universal JDBC driver and uses type-4 connections to submit the SQL statements. The IBM® Java™ for z/OS® (JZOS) Batch Launcher must be used to run the SQL Batch utility.

Figure 1. SQL Batch utility input and output data sets
Begin figure description: SQL statements are input to the SQL Batch utility. Output from the utility include updates to the IMS catalog, a database, and output messages. End figure description.


Currently, no restrictions are documented for the SQL Batch utility.


To run the SQL Batch utility, the following prerequisites must be met:
  • The IBM Java for z/OS (JZOS) Batch Launcher is installed.
  • The IMS open data access solution is installed.
  • The IMS catalog is installed and configured.


You can enable the SQL Batch utility to generate RACF® PassTickets to authenticate users of JDBC applications to access IMS DB. PassTickets are an alternative to RACF passwords and password phrases and provide better security because PassTickets remove the need to send passwords and password phrases across the network in clear text. If you require the SQL Batch utility to generate RACF PassTickets, ensure that all of the following conditions are met:
  • Both the IRRRacf.jar and ibmjzos.jar files are in the job's class path.
  • In the applName URL property of the DriverManager.getConnection method, the 1- to 8-character application name that is defined to RACF in the PTKTDATA class for DRDA client access to IMS DB is specified.
  • The following values are the same as each other:
    • The value of the applName URL property of the DriverManager.getConnection method.
    • The value of the APPL= parameter of the ODACCESS statement, which is in the HWSCFGxx member of the IMS PROCLIB data set.
  • On the JOB statement of the JCL for the SQL Batch utility, the z/OS user ID that is associated with the job is specified.


Currently, no recommendations are documented for the SQL Batch utility.

Input and output

The input to the SQL Batch utility is SQL statements that you can provide in any of the following ways:
  • Inline with the JCL
  • In a data set that the JCL references
  • In a file on UNIX System Services that the JCL references
The utility returns messages to the message output data sets that are defined in the JCL.

Return codes

The following return codes are provided at program termination.
No errors were detected.
The connection to IMS Connect failed. Verify that the connection parameters are correct.
The SQL statement could not be run, and all work was rolled back to the previous commit point. Verify that the SQL statement is valid.
The commit did not complete successfully.
The rollback did not complete successfully.
The connection was not cleaned up properly.
An invalid SQL statement was specified. Verify that the input file contains only valid SQL statements.
The Java main class was not found or the main method threw an exception.
A configuration or setup error occurred. For more information, see the SYSOUT messages.
A system or internal error occurred. For more information, see the SYSOUT messages.

For more information about return codes 11 - 16, see the output messages in STDOUT and STDERR.

The JZOS Batch Launcher issues return codes 0, 100, 101, and 102.

JCL specifications

The SQL Batch utility is run through a standard z/OS job that uses JZOS Batch Launcher to start the utility. The following JCL statements are required:
  • A JOB statement that you define to meet the specifications of your installation.
  • A SET P1 statement
  • An EXEC statement
  • DD statements that define inputs and outputs
SET P1 statement

The SET P1 statement must be in the form:

// SET P1='com.ibm.ims.jdbc.batch.BatchUtil'

In the SET P1 statement, com.ibm.ims.jdbc.batch.BatchUtil is the main SQL Batch utility class. This utility class is in the IMS JDBC driver (imsudb.jar).

EXEC statement

The EXEC statement must be in the form:
//JAVAJVM EXEC PGM=JVMLDMxx,REGION=0M,                         
//   PARM='/ &P1'                       

The variable JVMLDMxx must be replaced with the version of the IBM SDK for z/OS for the JZOS Batch Launcher. For example, for IBM 64-bit SDK, Version 7, specify JVMLDM76.

DD statements

Points to the JZOS.LOADLIB, which is the STEPLIB for the JVMLDM module.

The STEPLIB DD statement is required.

Defines the message data set for the system job log. The data set can be on a printer, a tape, or a direct-access device, or be routed through the output stream.

This DD statement is required.

Defines the message output data set for error information for the system job log. The data set can be on a printer, a tape, or a direct-access device, or be routed through the output stream.

This DD statement is required.

Defines the message output data set for the Java jobs. The data set contains the output from Java System.out. The data set can be on a printer, a tape, or a direct-access device, or be routed through the output stream. Optionally, you can specify a file on UNIX System Services in this DD statement.

This DD statement is required.

Defines the message output data set for error information for the Java jobs. The data set contains the output from Java System.err. The data set can be on a printer, a tape, or a direct-access device, or be routed through the output stream.

This DD statement is required.

Defines the Language Environment® runtime options.
Defines the input arguments to the main Java class.
Defines the SQL statements to be run. You can specify the SQL statements inline, in a data set, or in a file on UNIX System Services.

Example 1: Specifying the statements inline

CONNECT jdbc:ims://myConnectServer:myPort/DFSCP001;
CREATE TABLE myTable ...;

Example 2: Specifying a user name and password

The following example is the same as the preceding example, except that a user name and password are included on the CONNECT statement for security checking. In the example, both semicolons are required after the password.

The syntax of the CONNECT statement conforms to the syntax that is defined by the IMS Universal JDBC driver for a type-4 connection. For more information, see Connecting to an IMS database by using the JDBC DriverManager interface.

CONNECT jdbc:ims://myConnectServer:myPort/DFSCP001:user=myUserName;password=myPassword;;
CREATE TABLE myTable ...;

Example 3: Specifying the statements in a data set

//       DSN=myPDS(myScript)

Example 4. Specifying the statements in a file on UNIX System Services

//IMSSQL DD PATH='/stdin-file-pathname',PATHOPTS=(ORDONLY)                

This DD statement is required.

Defines the Java environment variables. In this section, ensure that the following statement points to your JDK path:
export JAVA_HOME=myJavaHomePath
Also, ensure that the following statement points to the path for the IMS Universal JDBC driver, which includes the SQL Batch utility:

This DD statement required.